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Besant Technologies offers inclusive Java training in Chennai. The thorough training provided by the java training institute in Chennai offers live projects. The trainers at Besant Technologies are corporate professionals and subject experts providing in-depth study in java courses in Chennai. Participants completing the java certification have a plethora of job opportunities in the industry./

Besant Technologies, one of Chennai's best java training classes, offers courses for beginners, intermediates, and experts. The finest Java training center in Chennai provides the best classroom training environment, flexible training schedules by qualified java trainers for entire modules, whether you are a college student, project manager, or I.T. professional.

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Overview of Java Training in Chennai

Java Training in Chennai will help you to build web applications using technologies like Core Java, J2ee, JSP, Servlets and MySQL Database with Real World Projects. Gain Practical Knowledge on Core Java Programming language to become a Java Certified Developer with our Hands-on Demo Classes. This Course will enable you to work on Java Programming with Android developments and Selenium Testing environments.  From this Java Course you will learn Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Hibernate, data structures, MVC, Web Services and Java algorithms from the basic to advanced level to become Full Stack Java Developer.
Java Training in Chennai

Reasons to choose Besant Technologies for Java training in Chennai

  • We deliver the best java training in Chennai, covering all course modules during the java training classes. Students can also enroll in a 100% placement assurance Java Course.
  • Our team of trainers is working professionals having more than ten years of training expertise. They not only support students in completing live projects, but they also provide interview questions, preparation classes, and job placement assistance.
  • The Java Training course in Chennai at Besant Technologies is a meticulous learning journey that facilitates the participants to get well oriented with the important java concepts such as Java Array, Exception handling, Threads, JSP, Operators, XML handling, Loops, Collections, Database Connectivity, and Servlet.
  • Under the supervision of expert Java professionals, this java program also provides hands-on training in advanced Java frameworks. This includes Hibernate, Struts, and Spring Boot, commonly used in the Web Applications sector.

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This Core Java and Advanced Java Course in Chennai are ideal for those who want to pursue java programming as a full-time career. The core java course is designed for people who have at least a basic understanding of computers. The Advanced Java course is for the software developer, engineering graduate, web designer, and programming enthusiast.

Prerequisites to learn Java Training

Before enrolling in a core java course, make sure you have fundamental computer expertise. Furthermore, students with no prior java programming language experience can complete the training successfully. However, having some expertise will undoubtedly be advantageous. Before getting yourself enrolled in an advanced java training course in Chennai, ensure that you have a basic understanding of the Core Java programming language.

Advantages of Java Course training

  • It will teach you how to create web applications with real-world projects using technologies such as Core Java, java J2ee, Servlet, JSP, and MySQL Database.
  • Spring Framework, MVC, Data Structures, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Web Services, and Java Algorithms are among the topics covered in the java program course to help you become a full-stack java developer.
  • You will get to understand object oriented programming language in java class.
  • This course will educate you on how to build efficient, portable desktop and Android mobile applications using Java application coding techniques like java constructs, OOPs concepts, Dynamic data storage, threads, enums, JDBC, exception handling, control statements, collections, OOPS, and database connectivity concepts with practical classes.

Objectives of java training in Chennai

  • In-depth insight of Java conditional statements, multithreading and exception handling, data types, and loops, a database using hibernate framework
  • Detailed knowledge of object-oriented programming language through Java using Objects, Classes, and various Java concepts like Abstract, Final, etc., and Parse XML files using SAX and DOM.
  • The potential to implement functions, arrays, and string handling techniques, JDBC to communicate with SOA, Database using web services.
  • The range of projects includes telecommunications, banking, e-commerce, and social media.
  • Participation of small and medium businesses in the java training in Chennai to understand industry standards and acceptable practices.
  • SME participation throughout the java program course to learn industry best practices and standards.
  • The opportunity to work on various real-world industrial projects.

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Upcoming Batch Schedule for Java Training Course in Chennai

Besant Technologies provides flexible timings to all our students. Here is the Best Job Oriented  Java Training in Chennai Schedule in our branches. If this schedule doesn’t match please let us know. We will try to arrange appropriate timings based on your flexible timings.

  • 28-10-2024 Mon (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
  • 24-10-2024 Thu (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
  • 26-10-2024 Sat (Sat - Sun)Weekend Batch 11:00 AM (IST) (Class 3Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
Java Training in Chennai

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Syllabus of Java Training in Chennai

Core Java Syllabus (Total Duration-35hrs)

Module 1: Introduction (Duration-0.5hr)

  • Java Why? What? How? When? Where?
  • Different Java Versions.
  • How Java is different from other Technologies

Module 2: Introduction To Java Programming Environment (Duration-1hr)

  • How to Install & set Path.
  • A Simple Java Program
  • Compiling & executing Java Program
  • Phases of Java Program
  • Analysis of a Java Program
  • Understanding Syntax and Semantic Error,
  • Runtime Exception
  • Name of a Java Source File
  • Platform Independency
  • Java Technology (JDK, JRE, JVM, JIT)
  • Features of Java
  • Text Editors
  • Consoles

Module 3: Fundamentals of Java Programming (Duration-1hr)

  • Naming convention of Java language
  • Comments
  • Statements
  • Blocks (Static, Non-static/instance)
  • Identifiers
  • Keywords
  • Literals
  • Primitive Data Types, Range
  • Reference (User defined) Data type
  • Variables (Primitive, Reference)
  • Type Casting, Default Value
  • Operators
  • Program/Interview questions

Module 4: Control Structures (Duration-1hr)

  • Working with Control Structures
  • Types of Control Structures
  • Decision Control Structure (if, if-else, if else if, switch –case)
  • Repetition Control Structure (do –while,while, for)
  • Program/Interview questions

Module 5: Input Fundamentals And Datatypes In Java (Duration-2hrs)

  • Java program inputs from Keyboard
  • Methods of Keyboard inputs
  • Scanner, Buffered Reader
  • Problem Solving
  • Java Array
  • What is Array
  • Array Declaration in java vs C and C++.
  • Instantiation of an Array
  • String vs character array.Accessing Array
  • Elements, Default Value, for-each loop, varargs
  • Length of an Array (What is –Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception)
  • Increasing, Decreasing the Size and Copy of an Array
  • Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • Program/Interview questions
  • Program/Interview questions Difference between C and C++ with Java
  • Application Compilation and Run
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Module 6: Object Oriented Programming (Oops Concepts In Deep) (Duration-4hrs)

  • Procedural Vs Object Oriented Program
  • Different type of Program Procedural Vs Object Oriented.
  • Top Down Vs Bottom Up Approach
  • Introduction to Object Oriented
  • Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance,
  • Polymorphism.
  • Introduction to Classes and Objects
  • Custom Class Definition
  • Instance and Static Variables
  • Different ways to create Object Instance
  • Instance Variable and it’s role in a Class
  • Constructors, types of Constructor,
  • Constructor Rule, Constructor Overloading
  • Static Variable and it’s use.
  • Methods and their behavior.
  • Constructor vs Methods
  • Constructors
  • “this” Keyword
  • Java Access Modifiers (and Specifiers)
  • Programming Interview related Question and Answer
  • Call by value, Call by reference

Module 7: Command-Line Arguments (Duration-1hr)

  • What is a Command-Line Argument?
  • Java Application with Command-Line Arguments
  • Conversion of Command-Line Arguments
  • Passing Command-Line Arguments
  • Using methods (Static , Non Static)

Module 8: Integrated Development Environment (Duration-0.5hr)

  • Using various Editors
  • Program Compilation, Execution in Editor
  • Using Eclipse IDE
  • Project Set Up
  • Source File Generation
  • Application Compilation and Run

Module 9: Inner Class (Duration-1hr)

  • First View of Inner Class
  • Outer Class Access
  • Types of Inner Class

Module 10: Inheritance (Duration-2hrs)

  • Complete concepts of Inheritance
  • Sub-Classes
  • Object Classes
  • Constructor Calling Chain
  • The use of “super” Keyword
  • The use of “private” keyword inheritance.
  •  Reference Casting

Module 11: Abstract Classes and Inheritance (Duration-2hrs)

  • Introduction to Abstract Methods
  • Abstract Classes and Interface
  • Interface as a Type
  • Interface v/s Abstract Class
  • Interface Definition
  • Interface Implementation
  • Multiple Interfaces’ Implementation
  • Interfaces’ Inheritance
  • How to create object of Interface

Module 12: Polymorphism (Duration-1hr)

  • Introduction to Polymorphism
  • Types of Polymorphism
  • Overloading Methods
  • Overriding Methods
  • Hiding Methods
  • Final Class and Method
  • Polymorphic Behavior in Java
  • Benefits of Polymorphism
  • “Is-A” vs “Has-A”
  • Association Vs Aggregation
  • Interview related Question and Answer.

Module 13: Package (Duration-2hrs)

  • Package and Class path and its use
  • First look into Packages
  • Benefits of Packages
  • Package Creation and Use
  • First look into Class path
  • Class path Setting
  • Class Import
  • Package Import
  • Role of public, protected, default and private w.r.t package
  • Namespace Management
  • Package vs. Header File
  • Creating and Using the Sub Package
  • Sources and Class Files Management

Module 14: Using Predefined Package & Other Classes (Duration-2hrs)

  • Java.lang Hierarchy
  • Object class and using toString(), equals(),hashCode(), clone(), finalize() etc
  • Using Runtime Class, Process Class to play music, video from Java Program
  • Primitives and Wrapper Class
  • Math Class
  • String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder Class
  • String Constant Pool
  • Various usage and methods of String,StringBuffer, StringBuilder
  • Wrapper Classes
  • System Class using gc(), exit(), etc.

Module 15: New Concepts In Package (Duration-1hr)

  • Auto boxing and Auto unboxing
  • Static import.
  • Instance of operator.
  • Enum and its use in Java
  • Working with jar

Module 16: Garbage Collection (Duration-0.5hr)

  • Garbage Collection Introduction
  • Advantages of Garbage Collection
  • Garbage Collection Procedure
  • Java API
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Module 17: Exception Handling (Duration-2hrs)

  • Introduction to Exceptions
  •  Effects of Exceptions
  • Exception Handling Mechanism
  • Try, catch, finally blocks
  • Rules of Exception Handling
  • Exception class Hierarchy, Checked &
  • Unchecked Exception
  • Throw & throws keyword
  • Custom Exception Class
  • Chained Exception.
  • Resource handling & multiple exception class
  • Interview related Question and Answer.

Module 18: Multithreading (Duration-3hrs)

  • Introduction
  • Advantages
  • Creating a Thread by inheriting from Thread class
  • Run() and start() method.
  • Constructor of Thread Class
  • Various Method of Thread Class
  • Runnable Interface Implementation
  • Thread Group
  • Thread States and Priorities
  • Synchronization method, block
  • Class & Object Level Lock
  • Deadlock & its Prevention
  • Inter thread Synchronization
  • Life Cycle of Thread
  • Deprecated methods : stop(), suspend(),resume(), etc
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Module 19: Input and Output Streams  (Duration-3hrs)

  • Java I/O Stream
  • I/O Stream – Introduction
  • Types of Streams
  • Stream Class Hierarchy
  • Using File Class
  • Copy and Paste the content of a file
  • Byte Streams vs Character Streams
  • Text File vs Binary File
  • Character Reading from Keyboard by Input Stream Reader
  • Reading a Line/String from Keyboard by Buffered Reader
  • Standard I/O Streams Using Data Streams to read/write
  • primitive data
  • PrintStream vs PrintWriter Using StreamTokenizer and RandomAccessFile
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Module 20: Serialization (Duration-0.5hr)

  • Introduction to Serialization
  • Using Object Streams to read/write object
  • Transient Keyword
  • Serialization Process
  • Deserialization Process
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Module 21: Collection Framework (Duration-3hrs)

  • Generics(Templates)
  • What is generic
  • Creating User defined Generic classes
  • The java.util package
  • Collection
  • What is Collection Framework
  • List, Set & Map interfaces
  • Using Vector, Array List, Stack,
  • Linked List, etc.
  • Using Collections class for sorting
  • Using Hashtable, Hash Map, Tree Map,
  • SortedMap, LinkedHashMap etc.
  • Iterator, Enumerator.
  • Using Queue, Deque, SortedQue, etc.
  • Using HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet etc
  • Using Random class
  • Using Properties in a Java Program
  • Using user defined class for DataStructure
  • Using Date and Formatting Date class.
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Advanced Java Syllabus (Total Duration-30hrs)

Module 1: JDBC (Duration-3hrs)

  • Introduction to JDBC
  • Databases and Drivers
  • Types of Driver
  • Loading a driver class file
  • Establishing the Connection to different
  • Database with different Driver
  • Executing SQL queries by ResultSet,Statements , PreparedStatment interface.
  • Using CallableStatement
  • Transaction Management & BatchUpdate
  • Programs/Interview related Question and Answer

Module 2: JSP (Duration-5hrs)

Basics Of Jsp
  • Life cycle of JSP
  • JSP in Eclipse and other IDE’s
  • Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
Scripting Elements
  • scriptlet tag
  • expression tag
  • declaration tag
  • Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
 Implicit Objects
  • out
  • request
  • response
  • config
  • application
  • session
  • pageContext
  • page
  • exception
  • Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
Directive Elements
  • page directive
  • include directive
  • taglib directive
  • Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
Exception Handling
Action Elements
  • jsp:forward
  • jsp:include
  • Bean class
  • jsp:useBean
  • jsp:setProperty & jsp:getProperty
  • Displaying applet in JSP
Expression Language
  • What is expression and how to use it
  • Define expression and use over the service flow
  • The way to be achieve same in JSP
Mvc In Jsp
  • MVC pattern
  • Working flow implementation of MVC
  • CRUD operation using MVC
  • Design a real time web application using MVC
  • Discussion on the tag library
  • How to implement and use
Custom Tags
  • Custom Tag : What and Why?
  • Custom Tag API?
  • Custom Tag Example
  • Attributes
  • Iteration
  • Custom URI

 Module 3: Servlet (Duration-7hrs)

  • Basics of Servlet
  • Servlet: What and Why?
  • Basics of Web
  • Servlet API
  • Servlet Interface
  • GenericServlet
  • HttpServlet
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • Working with Apache Tomcat Server
  • Steps to create a servlet in Tomcat
  • How servlet works?
  • servlet in Myeclipse
  • servlet in Eclipse
  • servlet in Netbeans
Servlet request
  • Servlet Request methods
  • Registration example with DB
Servlet Collaboration
  • Request Dispatcher
  • send Redirect
Servlet Configure
  • Servlet Configure methods
  • Servlet Configure example
Servlet Context
  • Servlet Context methods
  • Servlet Context example
Session Tracking
  • Cookies
  • Hidden Form Field
  • URL Rewriting
  • HttpSession

 Module 4: Concurrent and implementation of collection (Duration-2hrs)

  • Implemenation of ArrayList
  • Implemenation of LinkedList
  • Implemenation of HashMap
  • Implementation of Queue/PriorityQueue/Deque

 Module 5: Advanced Multi-Threading (Duration-3hrs)

  • Implemenation of Executor pool service and working mechanism with real time
  • Big file(Single , multiple ) processing using multiple thread
  • Implemenation to achieve thread class and runnable interface

 Module 6: Javamail Api (Duration-2hrs)

  • Sending Email
  • Sending email through Gmail server
  • Receiving Email
  • Sending HTML content

 Module 7: Design Pattern (Duration-2hrs)

  • Singleton
  • DAO
  • DTO
  • MVC
  • Front Controller
  • Factory Method
  • Abstract
  • etc

 Module 8: Junit (Duration-1hr)

  • JUnit: What and Why?
  • Annotations used in JUnit
  • Assert class
  • Test Cases

 Module 9: Maven (Duration-1hr)

  • Maven: What and Why?
  • Ant Vs Maven
  • How to install Maven?
  • Maven Repository
  • Understanding pom.xml
  • Maven Example
  • Maven Web App Example
  • Maven using Eclipse

 Module 10: Project Guidance (Duration-4hrs)

Download Java Training Course Syllabus

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Java Trainer Profile

Java Training Instructor Experience

A java trainer at Besant Technologies- the best java training institute in Chennai gives total freedom to their students to explore, examine and learn java courses based on real-time examples.
We have a team of qualified professionals who have experience in handling real-time projects in industries and holds good command over theoretical knowledge. Besant Technologies is the leading Java Training Institute in Chennai. Recognized by Oracle, we provide Java certification that comes directly from Oracle and recognized by any company around the world.
Our Java trainer Mr. Prem is a software engineer with over 10 years of experience working on Java writing various programs and applications for world-renowned companies including the IT companies. Besant Technologies has been teaching Java to students in Chennai for over 10 years. With the help of our Java training in Chennai, thousands of students have found positions in top IT companies in Chennai and other parts of India.

  • They are certified and working professionals with outstanding grades.
  • They are currently working as java professionals with the top MNC in Chennai city.
  • They are well connected with hiring H.R.s in multinational companies.
  • They have practical communication skills to deliver the course with suitable examples in each java class.
  • They have strong practical and theoretical knowledge of important java concepts such as Exception Handling, Threads, JSP, Operators, XML handling, Loops, Collections, Database Connectivity, and Servlet.
  • They have expert-level subject knowledge.
  • Our trainers are continuously up to date on industry trends and expectations to include them in the java programming project and corporate training.
  • Our instructors are entirely committed to helping our trainees advance in their jobs and get internship opportunities.
  • They offer all available assistance to participants in achieving their learning java objectives and preparing them to face their interviews confidently.
  • We offer training in both online and offline mode, and our trainers are present in different areas of the world. Our instructor’s tips and tricks help our students to remember the complicated concepts and advanced techniques very easily.
  • We focus on practical concepts rather on theoretical concepts at the end of the day students need the same to implement at the client’s projects.
  • Our instructors provide possible support to the students to reach their goals and prepare them to face interview with confidence.

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Java Training Certification Benefits

Besant Technologies Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees.

Our certification at Besant Technologies is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC’s of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.

Java Training in Chennai

Upon the Course and Project Completion you will earn a Valid JAVA SE 8 Programmer Certification to boost your Career and also you can Share this Certificate to show your Core Java and J2ee Skills to the Potential employers. Register for Java training in Chennai with us and get high Paid jobs around $100000.
We are rated as the Best Java Training institute in Chennai for Placement and Certifications having 9+ Branches and trained overall 20000+ Students in Chennai through Online , Corporate and Classroom mode with 4.9/5 ratings.

JAVA Certification

Oracle certified Java certification holds the highest value as it is one of the most typical certification and thus hard to crack. It needs a comprehensive knowledge of Java technologies. Oracle certification has been known to provide a job proficiency or position elevation, salary hike, etc.
Oracle offers different stages of certification – associate, professional, experts and master.
Once you get this certification, many doors related to Java technology like application development, software development will open for you. Oracle Certified Associate Java SE Programmer I (formerly the Sun Certified Java Programmer).The Oracle Certified Associate Java SE Programmer (7 and 8) exam is the basic exam required to show a solid understanding of Java as a programming language and is a prerequisite to being a certified Programmer. Besant Technologies Java Training in Chennai is curated by the professionals as per the industrial demands and requirements.
We can proudly say that participants trained at our institute have excellent command on the subject than those trained elsewhere. Course material covering all the topics is given to help the trainees learn better. Regular assessments and daily assignments are conducted to help groom their technical skills.
After course completion, we provide our students with Java training in Chennai with certification that will be globally recognized and also offers complete assistance to get placed in a reputed organization. We conduct mock interviews; we help them with resume preparation, we provide FAQs for interviews.
So, that our student can face any interview with confidence. Regular assistance, a good learning environment, and well-cataloged training procedures are the key features of the Besant Technologies Institute.

What is a JAVA certification?
Java certification is one of the renowned, high value IT certifications from Oracle Corporation. The certification exams are classified following edition: Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition. These certifications exams bring you the recognition of your skills and knowledge in developing Rich user interface, web applications, application security and performance, mobile devices and other embedded devices.
We offer training to the aspirants in different level such as- Corporate, Customized and Academic. Most of our trainers are industry professionals who provide training in their part-time for our students. Our trainer’s experience helps our students to get the right industry knowledge.
Even trainers give a referral to our students in their companies, and also we have tied up with many MNC’s, we send our every student for interviews to get placed in a reputed organization.
How many types of Java certification are there?
The Java certification can be categorized into five levels based on the skills – associate, professional, expert, and master. Here is a list of the certification levels structured under Oracle’s Java certification path. They are

  • Oracle Certified Associate (OCA)
  • Oracle Certified Professional (OCP)
  • Oracle Certified Expert (OCE)
  • Oracle Certified Master (OCM)
  • Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 6 Enterprise Architect
  • Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Java Persistence API Developer
  • Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Web Component Developer
  • Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 7 Programmer (Upgrade)
  • Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 7 Programmer
  • Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer (Upgrade) [1Z0-813]
  • Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer (Upgrade) [1Z0-810]
  • Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer (OCPJP/SCJP)
  • Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer
  • Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer (OCAJP/SCJA)

Which JAVA Certification is best?
Currently, no doubt it is Oracle Certified Master certification, which is most valued because it is also the toughest to get. Even if you have 10 years of Java experienced, it’s hard to crack this exam, and hence it’s valued a lot. If you want to become a Java architect or solution architect, this is the exam, which you need to clear. Since, many developers take the certification to get Job, when it comes to popularity,i.e. the certification which most of Java developer give then certainly OCPJP and OCAJP scores big.
How many questions are on JAVA exams?
There are different number of questions for different Java Exams. For example- 1Z0-808 exam (Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer) has 70 questions, and 1Z0-897 exam (Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Web Services Developer) has 55 questions. All candidates get the same Java exam questions in order to make a fair comparison between them.
If participants were given different questions, there would be no way of making sure that each individual test is of the same difficulty. However, the order of the questions & answers in the test is shuffled for each test.
How much does JAVA certification cost?
It costs 10100 INR for both the exams each programmer I and programmer II, but you can get some discount by paying directly at the test center. So it’s up to you, you can either buy an exam voucher online for 10100, or you can pay 8700 at the test center(Cost may vary). Please check is your voucher includes retake(in case you fail).
What is the passing score for JAVA certification?
Oracle’s Java Certification has a tough passing percentage, close to 65% for both OCPJP (The Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer) and OCAJP (The Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer). You need in-depth knowledge of the Java Programming language and APIs to succeed in the exam.
How long is JAVA certification valid?

The certifications are valid for their versions. For example, if you succeeded in the Java 6 exam, then your certification is valid as long as you live only for that version of the technology. You cannot claim that as the Java 8 certification.
Does JAVA certification expire?
Certifications do not expire. Once you are certified, you keep that certification. So once you are OCAJP8 certified, you will always be OCAJP8 certified. But Oracle can retire certification exams. As long as the certification exists, there is no expiry for the certifications.
For example, if you are writing for OCJP 6, then it is valid for only the Java 6 version. When Oracle discontinues the OCJP 6, your certification doesn’t hold any value for the latest certifications.
What is the salary for a JAVA Certified Professional?
According to PayScale, the average salary for a Java developer is $69,722 pa, with an average salary range of $47,169 to $106,610 pa. The highest-paid Java developers are in Arlington and San Francisco, where the average reported yearly salaries are $97k.
The average pay for a Java Software Developer or Programmer in India is Rs 434,304 pa. Experience strongly influences income for this job. Skills that are associated with higher pay for this job are Spring and J2EE. Many people move on to other jobs if they have more than 10 years of experience in this field.
How do I study for Java certification?

  • Buy a book OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates, read this complete book at least twice, complete all the self-test at the end of each chapter.
  • Make proper notes for hard concepts; you will need those later.
  • Write a lot of code every day.
  • Practice Mock exams online; you will come to know how much you have prepared.
  • Keep on checking the Java Ranch forum for certification information and experiences.
  • Refer to Java API Docs.
  • Check Oracle’s website for examination details and vouchers.

Which certification is best for a web developer?
Java (Oracle), Net Framework (Microsoft), SAP ABAP, Python, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript, etc. are some of the best certifications for web developers. Oracle offers numerous Oracle Certified Java certifications at the Associate, Professional (OCP), Expert (OCE) and Master (OCM) levels.
Its professional-level certifications typically require you to have an OCP Java Programmer or a Sun Certified Java Programmer credential as a prerequisite. Exams are multiple choice, and some include scenario-based questions. Passing scores vary by topic and credential.
If I fail the JAVA Certification Exam, how soon I retake it?
If your exam voucher has a free retake, then you can retake the same exam after 14 days. On 14th day you can apply once again and retake the exam. If you purchased an OCA Exam Voucher that has a free retake as part of a special promotion, your voucher
(i) can be used by one individual on one attempt plus a retake of the same exam
(ii) can only be used for a retake, if there is a failed first attempt on file,
(iii) becomes void for both attempts on the voucher expiration date. Most vouchers do not have a retake unless they are offered as a part of a promotion. You will only get a retake under special cases. It will be clearly instructed in the voucher description and in the voucher letter if your voucher includes a retake.
How do I apply for JAVA Certification exams?

Following are the steps to apply for Java Certification exams:

  • Step 1: Open Oracle: Pearson VUE page, If you are a first-time visitor then click on Create an account
  • Step 2: Click on Proctored Exams
  • Step 3: You will see a screen to search the exam. Enter the exam code you want to give. You can get exam code details at Java Certifications MyExam Cloud Exam Collections
  • Step 4: You will see the exam name, fees for the exam and language of the exam on the screen, Click on Schedule this exam.
  • Step 5: You will see Confirm Exam Selection screen, click on the Proceed to Scheduling.
  • Step 6: Now, Enter into the search box, the nearby place for the test center. Select the test center and click on Next.
  • Step 7: Select the Date and Time on which you will write your exam.
  • Step 8: Recheck the information, date and time after confirming then click on the Proceed to Checkout.
  • Step 9: After that, you need to check the information and enter the credit card details.

What is OCJP in Java?
OCJP and SCJP are referring to the same exams. SCJP (Sun Certified Java Programmer) is renamed as OCJP (Oracle Certified Java Programmer) when Oracle has acquired Sun MicroSystems. Before that, the SCJP word is synonymous with Java Certification exams, and it is one of the most renowned certifications for Java developers.

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Key Features of Java Training in Chennai

  • Online Java Training
  • Practical Coding and Implementation
  • Structured Learning Path to Ensure the Mastery
  • Experienced Instructor Based Training
  • Get Trained in Professional Industry Environment
  • Make Yourself Job Ready
  • Certificate and Placement Support
  • Hands-on Training in Live Projects
  • Virtual Learning Portal
  • Free Demo Classes and Lab Facilities
  • Classroom and Industrial Training
  • Build Highly Reliable and Functional Applications
  • Guest Lectures from Industry Experts
  • Cover Java 11 and Java 17 in Masterclass
  • Core + Advanced + Frameworks Training
  • Master Java Coding with Live Classes

Ready to jump-start your career

Join the course, Get your resume modified from experts. Our students are being hired at the leading companies.

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Projects of Java Training in Chennai

What are the System Requirements to attend Java Training in Chennai?
A system with minimum 2GB RAM is enough for installing Eclipse and JDK.

  • 2GB RAM
  • Processor Intel Core2 Duo or higher
  • 32 or 64 bit OS with JDK installed on it

How will I execute practical's during Java Training in Chennai?
Our Instructor will provide the Environment/Server Access to the trainees, and we ensure practical real-time experience and training by providing all the utilities required for the complete understanding of the course.
We will help you to set-up the Java environment on your local system along with Eclipse IDE with a detailed step by step installation guides will be present in your LMS which will help you to install and set-up java and eclipse.
What projects will I complete as part of the course?
The Training itself is Real-time Project Oriented. Get the real-time experience of working on Java development projects through a live project training program at Besant Technologies.
The live project helps students to learn in real what they have learned theoretically. Live project training is an initiative to fulfill the gap created between the theoretical learning processes and working methodology at companies. There are many benefits students can get by opting for live project training. You will get to interact and work with industry experts to learn in detail the project development concepts.
You get exposure to real-time projects and therefore will derive the actual experience similar to working in the companies. Following are some of the Live Java Projects:

  • A Peer to Peer file storage and sharing systems
  • Online Travel Agency
  • Efficient security for centralized information system
  • Application for Centralization of customer services support system
  • Bus information live monitoring system
  • Application for developing web information of efficient security using SSL algorithm
  • Application for Integrated University Management System
  • E-banking services
  • Application for Indian Legal Advise and guidelines System
  • Food Safety Portal

How do I develop a website for sending SMS using Java?
It is so natural to add SMS to your web application at that point give you a more top to bottom take a gander at how Twilio fills in and added some more vigorous utilize cases for SMS. Click Here to Read More – Develop a website for sending SMS using Java

Training Courses Reviews

I was searching for a Java institute near me and found about Besant Technologies. I took their Java Placement Training and I can tell you that they are the best Java Training Institute in Chennai. With the certification and knowledge, I got from Besant Technologies, I got a great job in a reputed IT company.


Shruti Agarwal

I wanted to join a Java institute near me. I found that Besant Technologies provides the best Java courses in Chennai and after going to the institute and learning from them; I can say that truly they are the best. By learning Java from them, I am currently working in one of the best IT companies in the country.


Venkatesh Sivaramakrishnan

I wanted to have a great career in IT and found Java training could be a key to success in this industry. So, I searched for the top java training center near me and went to Besant Technologies. With their help, I have fulfilled my dream.


Rahul Jaiswal

Student's Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Java, and where is it used?
Java is a popularly used programming language. It is the only one that runs on all P.C. and Android mobile devices without being recompiled. Java is extensively used to develop cutting-edge applications for online or mobile platforms. It is an excellent place to start if you want to work in mobile development. Java is an object-oriented class-based programming language with a focus on minimizing implementation dependencies. Java programs are compiled into bytecode that may be run on any Java Virtual Machine. Java’s syntax is comparable to that of C/C++.
What are the benefits of learning Java?
Following are the benefits of learning Java:

  • Provides many career chances – Programmers with a strong understanding of Java technology are in great demand. This widely utilized programming language continues to create jobs in the technology business. Furthermore, as the popularity of Android apps grows, so do the prospects for an Android developer who writes native apps in Java.
  • Object-Oriented Programming Language – Because Java is an Object-Oriented Programming language, the concepts are much more straightforward and approachable. It is a versatile, system-modular, and extendable programming language due to its object-oriented properties.
  • Scalable and stable programming language – Java is a scalable and stable programming language that anyone can use. Java is used in various places, including mobile phones, desktop computers, and large-scale applications. Java programmers outweigh all other types of programmers.
  • Used in real-world applications – Java is used in real-world applications because it is used in prominent websites like Amazon.com, eBay.com, etc. It has a substantial development roadmap, and security and performance are continually improving.

What are the Java Career Opportunities after completing Java Training in Chennai?
These are some of the common job roles after successful completion of your Java certification training:

  • Junior Developer
  • Senior Developer
  • Software developer
  • Software engineer
  • Senior computer programmer
  • Database Administrator
  • Java Architect
  • Java Web Developer
  • Java Developer
  • Java Android Developer
  • Java Application Developer
  • Java E.E. Developer

What is the purpose of the Java programming language?
Java is a widely-used programming language that was created specifically for use in the internet’s distributed environment. It is the extensively popular and widely-used programming language for Android smartphone applications and one of the most popular for edge devices and internet of things development. So, if you want to become a java professional, enroll in the java training course in Chennai.
Where can I find up-to-date Java interview questions?
Besant Technologies offers real Java interview questions and important java algorithms to help you ace your interviews during java certification training.
Click Here to Check: Latest Java Interview Questions and Answers 
Click Here to Check: Latest Core Java Interview Questions and Answers
Is Java a Good First Coding Language for People Who Are New to Coding?
There are various reasons why Java is a great first programming language:

  • It’s been around for a long time and is quite well-known. There are numerous excellent books and online resources.
  • There are presumably more Java application programmers and Java developers than any different type of programmer in the world, so plenty of people already understand Java, and it’s simple to find people who can help and mentor you.
  • It’s an object-oriented language, so plenty of the foundational theories you discover inside Java are transferable to different languages.
  • Java programming originates its syntax from C, and tons of additional languages also develop their syntax from C. If you know Java, understanding a language like JavaScript, C#, or C++ is much simpler.

How does Besant Technologies ensure the success of their students by providing Java Training in Chennai with placements?
Besant Technologies is a java training institute in Chennai employing a variety of strategies to ensure that students succeed. We hire highly experienced programmers and working professionals as instructors with an average of 20 years of expertise and a long history to provide the best Java and J2ee Training. They are already familiar with the area and can serve as excellent trail guides for our students. Every time someone graduates, we tweak and improve our Java class. That could include utilizing better examples, exercises, or projects – we’re always attempting to improve to make java course material more accessible.
Can Java be learned in 3 months?
Yes, it is possible for a beginner to learn java in 3 months. Although, you will need a few more months to practice and master it. But, yes you can learn the basic concepts in just 3 months.
Why Java is losing popularity?

In earlier days, Java was the king of development but now the new languages and client/customer friendly interfaces are taking over its popularity. The popularity of java has declined to a few per cent.
Is Java difficult to learn?
Yes, Java is tricky and hard to learn. Once you start learning Java, you will experience some easy concepts such as functions and variables. And, you will also have to face more complex and abstract concepts like inheritance, objects, and polymorphism.
Is Java still a future language?
Yes, the two recent java LTS versions Java 8 and Java 11 holds a great future. And, JDK 17 which is supposed to be launch in September 2021 will have a dependency of over 80% users.
Will core java help you get a job?

Yes, learning only core java will help you get a good job. All you need is to be clear and confident with your concepts and a weights resume.
What can be the approximate salary for a Java Programmer?
Infosys offers 35,000/- INR Per month for Java. But, it depends on many different factors like your skills level, beginner or advanced, location of company, the scale of a company, and gross and CTC system of the salary.
What are the 4 basic keywords for Object-Oriented Programming?

  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism

How many methods are available for Java programming?
There are only two methods that are used in Java:

  • Pre-Defined Method
  • User-Defined Method

What Will You Learn from Java Training in Chennai?
When you go for the best Java training courses in Chennai provided by Besant Technologies, you get many advantages such as:

  • You will learn by working in the real time projects on Java
  • Practical lessons from the leaders of this industry
  • Interactive online training
  • More scope of finding placement in some of the best IT companies in the country
  • Attain the knowledge of how to scale interview skills for Java
  • Flexible batch timings

Hence, if you are looking for the ideal Java training institute near me then join us at Besant Technologies. We have the keys to your success.

Java Training Batch Size in Chennai

  • Regular Batch (Morning, Day time & Evening): Available Seats: 8 (maximum)
  • Weekend Training Batch (Saturday, Sunday & Holidays) Available Seats: 8 (maximum)

Do I get job support at the end of this course?
Yes, we have a team of dedicated personnel who will provide you with support even after the end of the course. We will help you to:

  • Build a proper resume
  • Share top interview questions and answers
  • Share some of the insights about the real-time projects
  • Bring a better career change

What payment modes are accepted?
We, at Besant Technologies, accept almost all major payment options such as Cash, Net Banking or Cards.
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Besant Technologies Java Training in Chennai View 9 Locations Nearby


No.8, 11th Main road, Vijaya nagar,
Velachery, Chennai – 600 042
Tamil Nadu, India.

Landmark: Reliance Digital Showroom Opposite Street
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1st Floor, No.2A Duraisami Reddy Street,
West Tambaram, Chennai – 600 045
Tamil Nadu,India.

Landmark:Near By Passport Seva
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No. 5/318, 2nd Floor, Sri Sowdeswari Nagar,
OMR, Okkiyam Thoraipakkam, Chennai – 600 097
Tamil Nadu, India.

Landmark:Behind Okkiyampet Bus Stop
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First Floor, 105C,
Mount Poonamallee Rd,
Sakthi Nagar, Porur,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 116

Landmark: Near Saravana Stores
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Anna Nagar

1st Floor, No 54, 1633, 13th Main Rd,
Bharathi Colony, H Block, Tirumaniamman Nagar,
Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040
Tamil Nadu, India

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48/4 ,2nd Floor, N Usman Rd,
Parthasarathi Puram, T. Nagar,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600017

Landmark:Opposite to Pantloons Showroom
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22/67, 1st Floor, North Mada street,
Near Valmiki Street, Thiruvanmiyur,
Chennai 600 041 Tamil Nadu, India

Landmark: Above Thiruvanmiyur ICICI Bank
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Maraimalai Nagar

No.37, 1st Floor, Thiruvalluvar Salai,
Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai 603 209,
Tamil Nadu, India

Landmark: Near to Maraimalai Nagar Arch
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No. 4/76, Ambedkar Street, OMR Road,
Egatoor, Navallur, Siruseri, Chennai 600 130
Tamil Nadu, India

Landmark:Near Navallur Toll Gate
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Additional Info of Java Training in Chennai

With Java Training in Chennai, you will learn the basics of Java Language Objects. The complete beginners will learn basic Java Programming Language from Scratch. And the others at advanced level will learn the Essential Developer Course of Java and will become a Junior Java Developer.
The core java tutorials will cover basic concepts and examples for beginners and professionals. With our introductory Java Course in Chennai, you will gain a competitive advantage by getting certified as a Java Developer.
Java Certification in Chennai enables future developers to master coding with is one of the most important aspects of today’s technical world. This course helps you get noticed by top hiring companies.
Java is an object-oriented programming language that is globally popular for its syntax which is similar to most other programming languages. This language has earned its status as one of the leading programming languages for business applications. Java will continue to have a great future.
This Comprehensive Java Course will teach you the Java Object Oriented Programming with best practices and instructor led Java EE Demo Projects.  Our updated Java Course Syllabus will focus on 100% Modern java design implementations to develop dynamic and secure real time applications.
Write Java Code like a Pro with our Java training in Chennai delivered by experienced trainers through online and Classroom with Resume Building and Mock Interviews to get Software developer Jobs.
You will gain strong Practical exposure on SQL & PLSQL database languages Queries along with this Java Course to manipulating data in Real-time Projects. Get in-depth Practical Classes on JAVA 8 features Such as lambda expressions, Stream API, Method and functional interface, Parallel array Sorting and more with Course Materials and Project Assignments.

Introduction to JAVA

Java is a user-friendly yet reliable and secure language used in the internet world. This programming language is known as one of the best platforms for mobile application developers. Java has two strategic domains known as Core Java and Advance Java.
Java is used in a wide variety of computing platforms from mobile phones and embedded devices to supercomputers and enterprise servers. It is the most popular programming language for Client-Server applications with more than 10 million developers worldwide.
Core Java training in Chennai helps to build an applet or small application modules to make it possible for a Web page user to interact with the page. The Java course helps to get opportunities to work in a cross-platform computing environment

What is Java?

Java is a programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is a simple, portable, platform-independent, object-oriented, multi-threaded, secure, architecture-neutral, robust, high performance, dynamic and distributed. It runs on various OS platforms like Mac, Windows, and UNIX. It can be used to develop software and applets.

What is the full meaning of Java?

JAVA (Just Another Virtual Accelerator) being used as slang for “coffee” Java does not have any full form, but a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Micro systems in 1995, which has since been taken by Oracle Corporation. It derives much of its syntax from the most popular programming languages of all time: C & C++.

What type of language is Java?

Java is an object-oriented language. Its syntax is common as C & C++. Java programs are compiled to class files (bytecode) that can run on any JVM (Java Virtual Machine), making Java a platform-independent programming language. It does not require re-compilation and works efficiently in computers as well as Android mobile platforms.

Why is Java a platform?

Java is a platform for application development. A platform is a loosely defined computer industry buzzword that typically means some combination of system hardware & software that will mostly run all the same software. For example, DEC Alphas running Windows NT would be one platform, Power Macs running Mac OS 9.2 would be another.

What is Java used for?

In today’s world, Java has a wide variety of different uses. For example, Java is used for web-applications like Google docs and also for things like mobile games. Perhaps most notably, Java is mostly used to build applets or small application modules for use as part of a web page. Java can be used to code almost anything. It is often used as a “backend” programming language for the web, so web applications will often use Java code to create Application Program Interface (API) to allow the front-end to do different tasks.

What is the difference between Java and core Java?

Java is a programming language, but Core Java is a part of Java. Core Java is the basic of Java. If you don’t know anything about Java, then you have to start with core Java. Core Java is used for developing a general Java application whereas Advanced Java is used for developing the web-based application and enterprise application.
Core Java is having the concept of Java fundamentals, JDBC, Swings, Applet, Java Beans technology without this; no one can jump on any advance Java technology. Java is basically categorized in 3 parts: J2EE, J2SE and J2ME. To learn J2ME or J2EE, you should know core Java.

What is the difference between Java and Javascript?

JavaScript (JS) is not related to or similar to Java. JS is an OOP scripting language while Java is an OOP programming language. Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine(VM) or browser while JS code is run on a browser only. Java code needs to be compiled, whereas JavaScript code is all in the text. Both languages have a C like a syntax and are mostly used in client-side Web applications, but there are few similarities only.

Is Java an open-source?

In 2006, Sun released much of Java as FOSS (free and open-source software), under the terms of the GNU GPL (General Public License). In 2007, Sun finished the process, making all of Java’s core code available under a free software or open-source distribution terms, apart from a small portion of code to which Sun did not hold the copyright.
Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK) is an open-source and free implementation of the Java programming language.

Is Java a coffee?

Java logo is a coffee-cup because “Java” is a slang term for “coffee”. Many Java software products contain coffee-related puns (e.g. numerous variants of “espresso”). Gosling wanted a simple but an attractive name for his product. It was named oak at first; later it was changed to Java.

What is j2ee in Java?

J2EE in Java stands for Java 2 Enterprise Edition. J2EE is a Java-centric, platform-independent environment from Sun for developing, building & deploying Web-based enterprise applications online. The J2EE platform consists of a set of APIs, services, and protocols that provide the functionality for developing multitiered, Web-based applications.

What are the Applications/domains using Java Technology?

Java is an amazing technology with applications in several fields from Android applications, server apps at financial services industry, software tools to trading applications. Here is a list of applications of Java:

Which language is better for career Java or PHP?

Many will say it is all about the preference of the programmer, which is true, to a point. Looking at the benefits provided by both PHP and Java, it is clear that they both are very powerful. Every programming is better for other things. JAVA and PHP these are popular development language and while trying to decide which one to choose from these two options for careers.
Both Java and PHP are pervasive and integral to the modern web. These are two platforms, support some of the most profitable and largest sites of the world. Choosing Java or PHP is not the easiest decision. Both have their pros and cons. However, for few projects, one is certainly better than the other. Most Larger projects are better with Java vs PHP. However, small and medium projects are better with PHP vs Java.

Predictions of Java Job Opportunities in upcoming Years & Salary Packages?

Java is one of the top 5 programming languages to learn in 2019 due to the wide application and the flexibility it provides in application development. With the advent of Android, this technology has witnessed new heights. As long as there is Android and people use this OS on their mobile devices, Java will prevail. Java technology is used from Android application development, trading applications to web browsers.
After C++, Java is the most important thing, taking place in the IT industry. With the innovations and the implication of Java in agile and lean thinking, the future for this technology looks bright. Some of the popular real-life use of java are JPC, ThinkFree office suit, NASA World Wind, Blu-ray BD-J, Sun SPOT, etc.
As a Java programmer, you have a wide range of positions to look forward to and a very lucrative career.
Here is a list of the salary package offered by Intel India to Java professionals:

Designations Median Pay
Project Manager, Information Technology (IT) INR 11,10,324
Java Software Programmer, Developer INR 3,37,217
Project Manager, Software Development INR 11,80,930
Software Engineer INR 3,43,095
Senior Software Developer/Engineer/ Programmer INR 5,87,057
Test/Quality Assurance (QA), Engineer (Computer Software) INR 3,00,741
Software Developer INR 3,37,383

Salaries paid by top companies to Java programmers:

Companies Pay Scale Range
Wipro Technologies Ltd. INR 2,56,521- INR 10,17,224
Infosys Limited INR 2,88,422 – INR 9,55,745
Cognizant Technology Solutions INR 8,70,000- INR 9,42,000
Logica CMG INR 3,39,000 – INR 3,62,000
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. INR 2,44,949 – INR 7,95,257
HCL Technologies Ltd. INR 2,42,568- INR 8,68,856
IBM Global Services INR 2,80,244 – INR 10,99,532

Companies using Java Technology in Chennai

Java is one of the most famous programming languages for application and software development. Here is a list of companies that use Java technology in Chennai.

MSys Tech India Pvt. Ltd. Oracle India Pvt. Ltd. Accenture
Blue Lotus Technologies Private Limited Talent Acceleration Corridor Techno-Comp Computer Services Private Limited
Qruize Technologies Private Limited RBS Services India Private Limited thinkAPPS Solutions Pvt Ltd
SRM Technologies Private Limited Career Infosystem Sysbiz Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Nucleus Software Exports Limited Faxhion Technologies Private Limited Hexaware Technologies Ltd.
Careernet Technologies Pvt Ltd Softeon India Pvt.Ltd. Faxhion Technologies Private Limited
Gratitude India Manpower Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 9t8 Technologies Talpro
HAGGS Pvt Ltd Sandhata Technologies Pvt Ltd Nucleus Software Exports Limited
People First Consultants Pvt Ltd., Black and White Business Solutions Pvt Ltd MyITBridge
Culminant Outlook True Talents Consulting Private Limited Larsen & Toubro Infotech Limited
Comfyi Solution Athena Consultancy Services Cambio Consulting India Pvt Ltd

Java is still one of the strongest and secured application programming languages. Though it was created around a couple of back, it is still one of the go-to programming languages for the developers when it comes to developing new software applications. Many supercomputers and high-end applications are designed on the Java platform and that is why it is still having that stranglehold on the application market as one of the leaders.

Core Java & Advanced Java Training in Chennai

We, at Besant Technologies, provide you with the complete JAVA training courses in Chennai. Once you take admission in our institute, you will go out from here as a Java expert. Our complete Java training curriculum includes:

Core Java 7

The Core Java Training Course in Chennai of Besant Technologies includes the introduction of Java, constructors, OOPS concepts, multi-threading, semantics, applets, exception handling, GUI programming, etc.

Advanced Java

Advanced Java course will help you to learn the ability to use the latest technologies and combining them with advanced Java. You will learn using technologies such as Hadoop and its other systems.


Those who have good knowledge about the basics of Java look for deeper knowledge on the programming language and that is what Java J2EE Training Course in Chennai will provide you. J2EE is the platform for developing and deploying applications.


In this course, you will get introduced to the Java Servlet platforms which are basically used to handle requests which are acquired from web servers.


In this course, you will be learning about Java Servlet Pages and its applications. It will work as a foundation for you in building your career as a Java programmer.


Java Serves Faces is one of the latest Java frameworks which are used to build different web applications. In this course, you will be learning about them and obtain the ability to create the Web user interface on Java.

Struts framework

It is an open-source framework that helps you to develop a web Struts framework is one of the most popular training courses on Java which you should attend.


It is a server-side programming method that infuses the business strategies inside a web application. In this age, knowing EJB could be highly beneficial for the students.

Hibernate Framework

In this course, you will be learning about an open-source lightweight framework that enables applications to interact with the web applications.


In this course, you will learn about the Spring framework which can be used by any Java web applications.
Live Project with the actual environment as per the SDLC Principles
In this course, you will be working on live projects and get hands-on experience of how actually working with Java programming language feels like.

Why Should you go for the Java Training in Chennai?

With the advancement of mobile application development, Java has become an essential programming language to be added to any software professional’s skill set. It is one of the best choices of developers in the world of programming. Currently, Java finds its application in mobile and web development. Additionally, Hadoop is the most widely used framework of Big Data architecture, and it uses Java for design & development. Hence, Java makes way for professionals in the field of Big Data.

Who should go for the Java Training in Chennai?

Java Certification training can be taken up by the following professionals:

How will Java Training in Chennai help your Career?

This Certification will make you more valuable to your present and/or future employer.

What Skills will you learn in Java Training in Chennai?

During the Java course, you will be trained by our expert trainers:

Why Java Training is So Important

Besant Technologies offers a wide range of JAVA Training in Chennai to meet the growing corporate needs. Right from the beginning of the career Java developers will have a decent package and they get very good pay once they get succeeded in their first project.
If you have proper technical knowledge with valid certification from any of the well-reputed institutions, you can fetch a great job in this Java field, just for this reason many people prefer taking Java Training in Chennai.

Why to Choose Java Training in Chennai As a Career Option?

Do a simple Google search by typing the best programming languages for career development. The result you’ll encounter is a head-spinning list of programming languages on different websites. But, there will remain one constant in each of those lists, Java. Read more at Why Choose Java As a Career Option? 

Why Besant Technologies is Rated as No.1 Java Training in Chennai?

The JAVA Training Institute in Chennai being offered by Besant Technologies will ensure 100% placement and wide industry exposure.

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