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Interview Questions

Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers

Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers

Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers

Hibernate Interview Questions and answers for beginners and experts. List of frequently asked Hibernate Interview Questions with answers by Besant Technologies. We hope these Hibernate Interview Questions and answers are useful and will help you to get the best job in the networking industry. This Hibernate Interview Questions and answers are prepared by Hibernate Professionals based on MNC Companies expectation. Stay tuned we will update New Hibernate Interview questions with Answers Frequently. If you want to learn Practical Hibernate Training then please go through this Hibernate Training in Chennai.

Best Hibernate Interview Questions and answers

Besant Technologies supports the students by providing Hibernate Interview Questions and answers for the job placements and job purposes. Hibernate is the leading important course in the present situation because more job openings and the high salary pay for this hibernate and more related jobs. We provide Hibernate online training also for all students around the world through the Gangboard medium. These are top Hibernate Interview Questions and answers, prepared by our institute experienced trainers.

Hibernate Interview Questions and answers for the job placements

Here is the list of most frequently asked Hibernate Interview Questions and answers in technical interviews. These questions and answers are suitable for both freshers and experienced professionals at any level. The questions are for intermediate to somewhat advanced Hibernate professionals, but even if you are just a beginner or fresher you should be able to understand the answers and explanations here we give.

Q1) What is sleep?

Sleep is an open-source and lightweight ORM apparatus that is utilized to store, control, and recover information from the database.

Q2) What is ORM?

ORM is an abbreviation for Object/Relational mapping. It is a programming methodology to outline with the information put away in the database. It streamlines information creation, information control, and information get to.

Q3) Explain sleep design?

Sleep design contains numerous interfaces, for example, Configuration, SessionFactory, Session, Transaction, and so forth.

Q4) What are the center interfaces of Hibernate?

The center interfaces of Hibernate system are:

  • Configuration
  • SessionFactory
  • Session
  • Query
  • Criteria
  • Transaction
Q5) Mention a portion of the upsides of utilizing ORM over JDBC.

ORM has the accompanying points of interest over JDBC:

  • Application improvement is quick.
  • Management of exchange.
  • Generates key consequently.
  • Details of SQL inquiries are covered up.
Q6) Define criteria as far as Hibernate.

The objects of criteria are utilized for the creation and execution of the protest situated criteria inquiries.

Q7) List a portion of the databases upheld by Hibernate.

A portion of the databases upheld by Hibernate are:

  • DB2
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • Sybase SQL Server
  • Informix Dynamic Server
  • HSQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • FrontBase
Q8) List the key parts of Hibernate.

Key parts of Hibernate are:

  • Configuration
  • Session
  • Session Factory
  • Criteria
  • Query
  • Transaction
Q9) Mention two segments of Hibernate design question.
  • Database Connection
  • Class Mapping Setup
Q10) How is SQL question made in Hibernate?

The SQL question is made with the assistance of the accompanying sentence structure:


Q11) What does HQL represent?

Sleep Query Language

Q12) How is HQL question made?

The HQL question is made with the assistance of the accompanying sentence structure:


Q13) How would we be able to add criteria to a SQL question?

A model is added to a SQL question by utilizing the Session.createCriteria.

Q14) Define steady classes.

Classes whose objects are put away in a database table are called as steady classes.

Q15) What is SessionFactory?

SessionFactory gives the case of Session. It is a processing plant of Session. It holds the information of second dimension reserve that isn’t empowered as a matter of course.

Q16) Is SessionFactory a string safe protest?

Indeed, SessionFactory is a string safe question, numerous strings can’t get to it at the same time.

Q17) What is Session?
  • It keeps up an association between the sleep application and database.
  • It gives techniques to store, refresh, erase or bring information from the database, for example, continue(), refresh(), erase(), stack(), get() and so on.
  • It is a manufacturing plant of Query, Criteria and Transaction i.e. it gives production line strategies to restore these occurrences.
Q18) Is Session a string safe question?

No, Session isn’t a string safe question, numerous strings can get to it at the same time. As it were, you can share it between strings

  • SessionFactory processing plant = cfg.buildSessionFactory();
  • Session session1 = factory.openSession();
  • Employee e1 = (Employee) session1.get(Employee.class, Integer.valueOf(101));//passing id of representative
  • session1.close();
  • e1.setSalary(70000);
  • Session session2 = factory.openSession();
  • Employee e2 = (Employee) session1.get(Employee.class, Integer.valueOf(101));//passing same id
  • Transaction tx=session2.beginTransaction();
  • session2.merge(e1);
  • tx.commit();
  • session2.close();

Subsequent to shutting session1, e1 is in separated state. It won’t be in the session1 store. So in the event that you call refresh() technique, it will toss a blunder.

At that point, we opened another session and stacked a similar Employee example. In the event that we call converge in session2, changes of e1 will be converged in e2.

Q19) What are the conditions of the question in rest?

There are 3 conditions of the question (occurrence) in rest.

  • Transient: The question is in a transient state in the event that it is simply made yet has no essential key (identifier) and not related to a session.
  • Persistent: The protest is in a steady state if a session is open, and you simply spared the occurrence in the database or recovered the occasion from the database.
  • Detached: The question is in a confined state if a session is shut. After withdrew express, the question comes to tenacious state on the off chance that you call bolt() or refresh() strategy.
Q20) What are the legacy mapping methodologies?

There are 3 different ways of legacy mapping in sleep.

  • Table per progression
  • Table per solid class
  • Table per subclass
Q21) How to make a permanent class in sleep?

In the event that you stamp a class as mutable=”false”, the class will be treated as a permanent class. Of course, it is mutable=”true”.

Q22) What is programmed filthy checking in rest?

The programmed filthy checking highlight of Hibernate, calls refresh proclamation consequently on the articles that are adjusted in an exchange.

We should comprehend it by the model given beneath:

  • SessionFactory processing plant = cfg.buildSessionFactory();
  • Session session1 = factory.openSession();
  • Transaction tx=session2.beginTransaction();
  • Employee e1 = (Employee) session1.get(Employee.class, Integer.valueOf(101));
  • e1.setSalary(70000);
  • tx.commit();
  • session1.close();

Here, subsequent to getting worker occasion e1 and we are changing the condition of e1.

In the wake of changing the state, we are submitting the exchange. In such a case, the state will be refreshed consequently. This is known as messy checking in sleep.

Q23) what number sorts of affiliation mapping are conceivable in rest?

There can be 4 sorts of affiliation mapping in rest.

  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
Q24) Is it conceivable to perform gathering mapping with One-to-One and Many-to-One?

No, gathering mapping must be performed with One-to-Many and Many-to-Many.

Q25) What is sluggish stacking in rest?

Sluggish stacking in rest enhances the execution. It stacks the kid protests on interest.

Since Hibernate 3, apathetic stacking is empowered naturally, and you don’t have to do lazy=”true”. It implies not to stack the youngster objects when the parent is stacked.

Q26) What is HQL (Hibernate Query Language)?

Sleep Query Language is known as a question arranged inquiry dialect. It resembles an organized question dialect (SQL).

The principle favorable position of HQL over SQL is:

  • You don’t have to learn SQL
  • Database free
  • Simple to compose a question
Q27) What is the default type of <property>?


Q28) What is default type of <index>?


Q29) What is default size of Hibernate built-in connection pool?


Q30) What is the default ConnectionProvider in Hibernate?


Q31) Can I use my own name to hibernate cfg and hibernate hbm?

Yes ,you can.

Q32) Can I use stored procedure in hibernate?

yes ,You can

Q33) Can I connect multiple database?

yes ,you can

Q34) Which Loading strategy is best for the better performance?

Lazy Loading.

Q35) What will happen if I am not specifying the column name attribute for <property>?

It will use property name as column name.

Q36) What is the return type of save()?


Q37) What is the second parameter of load()?


Q38) Can I change the auto commit value in hibernate?

Yes you can but not recommendable.

Q39) How can I specify the required Transactional isolation level in JDBC?


con.setTransactionIsolation(C onnecton.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ)

Q40) What is the default auto commit in Hibernate?


Q41) What will happen when I am not Specifying the Isolation Level with Hibernate?

Database Vender Specific Default Transaction Isolation Level will be used.

Q42) When Transaction will be ended?

Transaction will be ended when you call commit() or rollback().

Q43) How to begin the Transaction in JDBC?

By disabling autocommit().


Q44) What is the various hibernate mapping?
  • Collection Mapping
  • Inheritance Mapping
  • Association Mapping
Q45) How many type of cache in Hibernate?
  • First Level Cache
  • Second Level cache
Q46) How many types are association mapping?
  • One-to-One mapping
  • One-to-Many Mapping
  • Many-to-Many Mapping
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