Besant Technologies provides Best DevOps Training in India. DevOps Certification Training in India will make you DevOps expert and make you understand many DevOps tools. You will learn about Jenkins, Git, Docker, TeamCity, Cucumber, etc. in the DevOps Certification Training Course in India. Besant Technologies offers DevOps Online Training in India by highly qualified professionals of DevOps. They will help you learn the skills and pass DevOps Certification. As a DevOps engineer, you can make $99,604 per year. DevOps domain includes many certifications. In the DevOps Training in India by Besant Technology, you will be able to pick the right Certification with the help of our trainers.
DevOps Certification Training in India by Besant Technologies is accessible and inexpensive. At the end of the DevOps Certification Training Course in India, you will get the DevOps Certification immediately. With DevOps Online Training in India, you will get a high paying job in the top MNC. DevOps Certification Training Course in India is designed to give you a complete understanding of DevOps methodology. DevOps in DevOps Online Training in India will help you understand the in-depth software development with DevOps.
About DevOps Certification Training Course
In DevOps Training in India is you will gain an in-depth understanding of DevOps. You will gain mastery over continuous integration, delivery, deployment, SVN, infrastructure as code, etc. in this DevOps Certification Training in India. You will also work on many industrial projects in DevOps Certification Training Course in India. Hands-on assignments and sessions in DevOps Online Training in India are designed to give you industrial exposure. Course Material for DevOps Training in India is designed by our industrial experts as per the recent demands of the IT industry.
In DevOps Certification Training Course in India, you will apply all the learned tools in practical classes. This will help you in learning and developing your skills as a DevOps professional. DevOps Online Training in India will also help you learn about testing. DevOps Certification Training Course in India is structured to help you take a look at and experiment with the tools and testing activities. DevOps Online Training in India will also introduce you to many cloud concepts and containers.
What will you learn in DevOps Online Training in India?
DevOps Certification Training Course in India by Besant Technologies offers learning modules where you will learn practical skills demanded by big companies. You will be able to apply for high paying profiles with DevOps Certification Training in India. In this DevOps Online Training, you will learn the following
DevOps Introduction
DevOps Methodology
Complete DevOps process
Use of Docker
Software Version Control
Code Containerization
Configuration Management
Jenkins and Pipelines
Use of Ansible and Puppet
Automation of build and test
Orchestration of Containers
Working with Maven and Selenium
Use of Kubernetes
Nagios and Performance Tuning
Packer, Otto, and Sonar
Consul and Vagrant
Working with Serverspec and more
Many big companies are looking for DevOps Engineers who are certified as well as skilled. This DevOps Certification Training Course will help you make your mark with competence and skills. You will also gain an understanding of Capistrano, Terraform, Openstack, Artifactory, etc. in this DevOps Certification Training.
Who should take up the DevOps Certification Training Course?
DevOps Certification Training Course should be taken up by those who are willing to make a career in the DevOps domain. DevOps is the major key to continuous delivery, integration, testing, deployment. DevOps Training in India by Besant Technologies is ideal for:
IT Professionals
Integration specialists
Security Engineers
Application Developers
Software Testers
System Admins
Test leads
Solution Architects
Quality Engineers who work on framework writing
QEs who work with automation coding
Professionals involved in CI/CD/CT.
DevOps doesn’t have any Certification Authority, which means it is not owned by anyone. DevOps Certification Training Course in India by Besant Technologies provides tool based certifications for the domain of DevOps. Our trainers will help you pick the right certification for you. You will also get a complete guide if you are new to this field.
What are the prerequisites for learning DevOps?
DevOps Certification Training in India has no prerequisites. DevOps acts as a bridge between development and operations in an organization. With DevOps, all the teams of an organization are can aggregate the skills of employees. It is not easy to give a list of prerequisites for DevOps Online Training. Knowledge of the following concepts would make you understand faster:
Basics of Linux
Fundamentals of Scripting Language
Basics of Python Programming
Understanding of CLI
Prior IT Experience
DevOps Online Training in India by Besant Technologies offers a free course on Linux fundamentals. There is no requirement for technical orientation for DevOps Training in India. Our trainers in DevOps Online Training in India will give you full guidance on DevOps learning strategy.
Why should you take up DevOps Online Training in India?
DevOps Training in India is designed to help you create a foundation for the DevOps profile. The annual salary of a DevOps engineer is $136,500 per annum. DevOps jobs are believed to be the top-paying jobs in the future. The demand for DevOps engineers has increased drastically over the year. Having DevOps Certification from recognized institutes such as one from Besant Technologies will help you take your career to the zenith. Trainers at Besant Technologies work very hard to create a course module that reflects the latest IT industry demands. With hands-on assignments and projects in DevOps Certification Training in India, you will become an asset to your organization. You will also understand the goal making and breaking into steps strategy.
Companies such as ADP, eBay, ING, PayPal, and Uber, etc. are looking for DevOps professionals. All big and small organizations use DevOps. This has increased the demand for skilled DevOps professionals. Opportunities for DevOps Certified and skilled professionals are endless. There are more than 5 lakh jobs available for DevOps Professionals in top MNCs. You are guaranteed to earn 70% more than other IT professionals as DevOps Certified Professional.
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Introduction to DevOps                                               (Duration: 1Hr)
Learning Objective:
This session will help you understand the purpose and the scope of DevOps in the current market, tools and the skills the market is looking for and how the culture is applied in the industries
DevOps Principles in detail
DevOps Engineer Skills in the market
Knowing DevOps Delivery Pipeline
The market trend of DevOps
DevOps Technical Challenges
Tools we use in DevOps
A brainstorming session on the trends in current IT industries
DevOps on Cloud                                                          (Duration: 2Hrs)
Learning Objective:
This session will help you understand how DevOps is currently being used on cloud infrastructure by automating entire setup. Learn cloud setup helps faster releases, fewer software failures and how trendy it is.
Essentials of Cloud computing?
Cloud and virtualization architecture
Cloud deployment architecture
Cloud providers – An overview
Why we need DevOps on Cloud?
Introducing to Amazon web services
How to setup AWS account
Various AWS services for Devops – An overview
DevOps using AWS – Demo
GIT – A version control tool                                      (Duration: 5Hrs)
Learning Objective:
This session will help you understand why version control system streamlines the development of working with different people and makes very easy to collaborate on projects.
Knowing about Version control
Git – A CLI
Essentials of GIT in industry
How to setup GIT
Working with various commands in GIT
Recording Changes to the Repository
How to check the Status of Your Files
How to track New Files
Staging our modified files
Ignoring Files from GIT
Viewing Your Unstaged and Staged Changes
How to commit Your Changes
Skipping the Staging Area and commit
Removing Files from GIT
Viewing the Commit History
Limiting Log Output
Using a GUI to Visualize History
Undoing Things
Changing Your Last Commit
Unstaging a Staged File
Unmodifying a Modified File
Working with Remotes
Showing Your Remotes
Adding Remote Repositories
Fetching and Pulling from Your Remotes
Pushing to Your Remotes
Inspecting a Remote
Removing and Renaming Remotes
Branching and Merging in Git
What a Branch Is
Basic in Branching and Merging
Branch Management in GIT
Branching Workflows and its usage
Remote Branches – create and delete
Git workflows
Git cheat sheet
Hands-on exercises:
Installing Git
First-Time Git Setup
Getting a Git Repository
Working with various git commands
Working with Local repository vs remote repository
Managing remote repository
Stashing operations and various local repository operations
Branching and merging operations
Resolving conflicts during merges
Managing access on repository managements
Jenkins – Continuous integration                            (Duration: 8 Hrs)
Learning Objective:
This session will help you understand why Jenkins is evolving as a must tool in the current DevOps practices. Understanding how Jenkins allowing current industries to set up their build pipelines with a more quickly and sophisticated build process by drastically reducing the risks in the software development lifecycles.
Essentials of Continuous Integration
An example scenario where CI is used
Know about Jenkins and its architecture in detail
Jenkins tool Management in detail
Know about User management in Jenkins
Jenkins own database user creation
Options to enable integration with LDAP
Matrix-based authorization
Project-based authorization
Overview of Maven
Maven project structure
Maven plugins
Project Object Model (POM) – the fundamental unit of work in Maven project
Maven build lifecycle
Adding external dependencies to maven pom.xml
Maven build and test project
Creating jobs and automatic build settings
What is Jenkins Pipeline?
Why Pipeline?
Integration with GIT
How to enable project-based authorization for a job
Source code management while creating jobs
Triggering automated build
Maven job setup
Know about post-build options for jobs like notifications, trigger another build, publishing reports, etc.
Adding a slave node to Jenkins
Building Delivery Pipeline
Notification settings in Jenkins
Plugin management in Jenkins
Hands-on Lab:
Installing Jenkins
Post-installation setup wizard
Unlocking Jenkins
Customizing Jenkins with plugins
Creating the first administrator user
Administration of Jenkins
User management – Authentication and Authorization
Master-slave set up on Jenkins
Creating basic jobs to pull code from GitHub
Jobs to perform individual operations
Setup build pipeline
Understanding build triggers, build and post-build operations
Deploying an application to a container using Jenkins
Docker – A containerization technology             (Duration: 8Hrs)
Learning Objective:
This session will help you understand why Docker knowledge is required in order to master DevOps cultures in the current IT industry Understanding containerizing the application is also isolating that into a completely separated environment.
Real-world Shipping Transportation Challenges
Introducing Docker and its technology
Understanding of Docker images and containers
Working with container
How to Share and copy a container
Container Life Cycle
How to use Base Image and customize
Creation of Docker File
How to Publish Image on Docker Hub
Introduction to Docker Networking
Network Types in docker technology
Docker Container Networking
Docker Compose – An introduction
Docker Swarm – An introduction
Use Docker Compose to create PHP, WordPress, MySQL
How to Start Containers on a Cluster with Docker Swarm
Creating and Scaling an application in Docker swarm
How to setup docker-engine
How to run docker container from pulling image from public repo
How do we create a docker file
Creating different docker files for different application
Creating a docker-compose file to deploy multi-container
Creating docker custom bridge networks
Creating docker swarm cluster
Orchestration of container using swarm cluster
Kubernetes                                                           (Duration: 4 Hrs)
Learning Objective:
This session will help you understand how Kubernetes helps to orchestrate the Docker containers. How the opensource system helps to automate the deployment, scaling and managing the containers.
Introduction to Kubernetes
Kubernetes Cluster Architecture – An overview
Understanding concepts of Pods, Replica sets, deployments and namespaces
Understanding the concepts of services and networking
Persistent volumes and persistent volume claims – an overview
Design of Pods
Understanding labels, selectors, jobs, and schedulers
Setting up the Kubernetes Cluster
Deploying an app through Kubernetes Dashboard
Accessing the application through service
Rolling updates in Kubernetes
Creating and adding volumes
Ansible – A configuration Management                   (Duration: 9Hrs)
Learning Objective:
This session will help you understand how significantly Ansible reduces your coding hours with the configuration management tool. Understanding most popular configuration management tool to set up easily, configure easily and deploy IT infrastructure easily.
Introducing Ansible – A configuration management tool
Basics / What Will Be Installed
Understanding Ansible architecture
Control Machine Requirements
Managed Node Requirements
Hosts and Groups
Host Variables
Group Variables
Learn various Ansible Modules
How to use Adhoc commands
Parallelism and Shell Commands
File Transfer
Managing Packages
Users and Groups
Deploying From Source Control
Managing Services
Introduction to YAML script
About Playbooks
Playbook Language Example – YAML
How to Write Playbooks
Tasks in Playbooks
Understanding about various tasks in the playbook
Introduction to Handlers and variables
Learn about using handlers, variables in the playbook
Become (Privilege Escalation)
Role of Directory Structure
Using Roles
Role Duplication and Execution
Role Default Variables
Role Dependencies
Role Search Path
Ansible Galaxy
Including and Importing
Includes vs. Imports
Importing Playbooks
Including and Importing Task Files
Including and Importing Roles
How to setup Ansible server and target servers
Writing Adhoc commands to install and configure the servers
Writing a playbook to install and configure webservers and deplo0y an application
How to create Ansible Role and use it
Using an ansible role in a playbook
How to use Ansible Galaxy to download roles.
Example – Install and use Jenkins roles from ansible-galaxy
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Upcoming Batch Schedule for DevOps Training in India
Besant Technologies provides flexible timings to all our students. Here is the DevOps Training in India Schedule in our branches. If this schedule doesn’t match please let us know. We will try to arrange appropriate timings based on your flexible timings.
10-02-2025 Mon (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per SessionGet Fees
13-02-2025 Thu (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per SessionGet Fees
15-02-2025Sat (Sat - Sun)Weekend Batch11:00 AM (IST) (Class 3Hrs) / Per SessionGet Fees
Our Trainers provide complete freedom to the students, to explore the subject and learn based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates are free to ask any questions at any time.
More than 7+ Years of Experience.
Trained more than 2000+ students in a year.
Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge.
Certified Professionals with High Grade.
Well connected with Hiring HRs in multinational companies.
Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications.
Trainers have Experienced on multiple real-time projects in their Industries.
Our Trainers are working in multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, Birlasoft, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Scope, Philips Technologies etc
Build your resume to the latest trend, and get a chance to know our Tie-Up Companies
Besant Technologies Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees.
Our certification at Besant Technologies is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC’s of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.
Group Discount
If you have Three or more people in your training we will be delighted to offer you a group discount.
Learned DevOps Training in India at Besant technologies. Really Training is awesome. Learned git, docker and basic of AWS Cloud with realtime Examples. I recommend Besant technologies for DevOps Training.
I have attended the DevOps Training in India from Besant technologies, The content in which he delivered topics with easy examples made the training easy and interesting which helped to gain a good subject knowledge. good Service provided by Besant technologies.
I joined Besant Technologies for learning DevOps Training in India, my trainer was Gokul – who has a strong knowledge of DevOps tools. Had a good learning experience,
with lots of hands and real-time examples.
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Besant Technologies offers 250+ IT training courses in more than 20+ branches all over India with 10+ years of Experienced Expert level Trainers.
Fully hands-on training
30+ hours course duration
Industry expert faculties
Completed 1500+ batches
100% job oriented training
Certification guidance
Own course materials
Resume editing
Interview preparation
Affordable fees structure
Besant Technologies is the Legend in offering placement to the students. Please visit our Placed Students List on our website.
More than 2000+ students placed in last year.
We have a dedicated placement portal which caters to the needs of the students during placements.
Besant Technologies conducts development sessions including mock interviews, presentation skills to prepare students to face a challenging interview situation with ease.
92% percent placement record
1000+ interviews organized
Our trainers are more than 10+ years of experience in course relavent technologies.
Trainers are expert level and fully up-to-date in the subjects they teach because they continue to spend time working on real-world industry applications.
Trainers have experienced on multiple real-time projects in their industries.
Are working professionals working in multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, Birlasoft, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Scope, Philips Technologies, etc…
Trained more than 2000+ students in a year.
Strong theoretical & practical knowledge.
Are certified professionals with high grade.
Are well connected with hiring HRs in multinational companies.
No worries. Besant technologies assure that no one misses single lectures topics. We will reschedule the classes as per your convenience within the stipulated course duration with all such possibilities. If required you can even attend that topic with any other batches.
Besant Technologies provides many suitable modes of training to the students like
Classroom training
One to One training
Fast track training
Live Instructor LED Online training
Customized training
You will receive Besant Technologies globally recognized course completion certification.
Yes, Besant Technologies provides group discounts for its training programs. To get more details, visit our website and contact our support team via Call, Email, Live Chat option or drop a Quick Enquiry. Depending on the group size, we offer discounts as per the terms and conditions.
We accept all major kinds of payment options. Cash, Card (Master, Visa, and Maestro, etc), Net Banking and etc.
Please Contact our course advisor+91-9677 266 800. Or you can share your queries through