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IoT Interview Questions and Answers
IOT Interview Questions and Answers
Internet of Things is the best thing from the year of 2016, because of more sensors, internet-connected devices where launched and in use. IoT is being and always important topic and course, which has widely more job openings and more jobs in a field like Mobile develop, Cars, Household use products and everywhere there is connected with the Internet. In this article, we Besant Technologies has picked up the best and top 50 IoT interview questions and answers.
Besant Technologies tutors are highly skilled and experienced professional with many years of working as a developer in top MNC companies and have received many excellence awards for training.
Do go through this IoT interview questions and answers, get placed in top MNC company and have a happy carrier.
- Temperature sensors
- Proximity sensor
- Pressure sensor
- Gas sensor
- Smoke sensor
- IR sensors
- Motion detection sensors
I will use a smoke sensor which detects fire and smoke
I will use Thermocouples which is used for measuring the voltage.
It will be measuring the temperature with a change in voltage if temperature increases thermocouples output voltage will be increased
1.soil moisture sensor
2.Airflow sensors
3.Electrochemical sensors
It used to measure the air level in the soil, we can measure it from the one location or dynamically get from multiple places from the garden.
Yes its possible, by using ultrasonic sensor we can make our own radar, which is detected object presence and distance
Using Water quality sensors, I can detect the quality of water.
1.Total organic carbon sensor
2.Turbidity sensor
3.Conductivity sensor
4.pH sensor
Yes I have, by using light detecting sensors we can switch off street light automatically, which saves a lot of electricity
- influxDB,
- MongoDB,
- RethinkDB,
- SQLite
- Apache Cassandra
and some more databases available, but these are the most used suitably for IOT
–>Great support visualization tools
–>Distributed time series database
–>No external dependencies
It’s a programmable my controller, it used to sense and control the electronic devices programmatically.
It’s a credit card size computer, it portable we can bring everywhere. It’s run completely on open source software and nice devices for IoT projects.
Arduino: A Openly programmable USB microController, it can execute only one program at a time.
Raspberry Pi: A credit card sized computer, we can run multiple programs at a time and it has more computing power compared to Arduino.
Pi zero is the latest minimized version of Raspberry Pi, it costs is only 5$.
- MQTT protocol
- Data Distribution Service (DDS)
- Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol(STOMP)
- Very Simple Control Protocol (VSCP)
- Zigbee
- wifi
MQTT – Message Queue Telemetry Transport.
Its provide the connectivity between application and middleware from net side networks to another side networks.
Publishers are the lightweight sensor that sends the Real-time data to middleware or intermediate devices.
Subscribers are the application which is interested in collected real-time data from the sensors.
By using Arduino IDE, I can program the Arduino. And another method I can use Node.js Johny five module to control Arduino
Yes, it’s possible to control the keyboard by using specialized inbuild keyboard Arduino library.
A library is the collection of code, which is already written for controlling the sensor or module.
In Arduino Select Include library from the Sketch option in Toolbar, It will open File Explorer, select library install from the location. That’s it.
In Arduino, each unit of code called as Sketch which is uploaded and run on the Board.
Yes its possible, by Removing unused libraries from the top of the code and make our code very simple and short, Then only we can reduce the size of the sketch.
By connecting the serial port of Arduino we can control the Arduino using python. To connect the serial port we need to import a serial module in python.
- Lilypad Arduino simple
- Lilypad Arduino main board
- Lilypad Arduino USB
- Lilypad Arduino simple snap
Using the Arduino Ethernet shield we can host the web server in Arduino.
- Raspberry Pi 1 model B
- Raspberry Pi 1 model A
- Raspberry Pi 1 model B+
- Raspberry Pi 1model A+
- Raspberry Pi Zero
- Raspberry Pi 2
- Raspberry Pi 3 model B
- Raspberry Pi Zero W
- Home Automation
- Internet Radio
- Portable web server
- Manipulating the robots
Raspbian is the Default operating system os Pi, Yes we can use windows and any Linux operating systems mainly designed for Arm based devices.
Yes, windows give support for raspberry, with specially designed windows 10 IOT core.
GPIO – General purpose input/output. Its programmable pins which may input or output pins, During runtime user, control these pin programmatically. for more details https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General-purpose_input/output
Gpiozero is used to control the gpio pins in Raspberry Pi. By using this we can control button, LED, Robot and more things are possible.
Its the document model based storage database. Hence its faster compared to other databases, Rather than that its support more than 20 programming language support for integration.
Actionscript info,C,C#,C++,Clojure info,ColdFusion info,D info,Dart info,Delphi info,Erlang,Go info,Groovy info,Haskell,Java,JavaScript,Lisp info,Lua info,MatLab info,Perl,PHP,PowerShell info,Prolog info,Python,R info,Ruby,Scala,Smalltalk.
Its process of data and return the computed values. for more information: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/map-reduce/
Sharding is Split data into multiple collections and store it in the multiple machines.
Replication is the act of sync data between multiple servers, which makes MongoDB as high availability.
Using Gridfs is the specification used for storing and retrieving the audio or video file from MongoDB.
db.yourIOTcollectionname.insert({location:”india”, count:”123″});
Here YourIOTcollectionname is the name of your collection.
var huge= db.iotCollection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
huge.insert({location:”India”, count:456, polls:456});
huge.insert({location:”Russia:, count:567, polls:567});
huge.insert({location:”China”, count:789, polls:789});
huge.insert({location:”USA”, count:123, polls:123});
DB command mentions the currently selected database name in MongoDB;
- Physical layer
- Data link layer
- Network layer
- Transport layer
- Session layer
- Presentation layer
- Application layer
Control the robot by Hand gesture (like an iron man)
Office theft prevention system
Facial recognition based intruder alert system.
For layout:https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/gpio/
Totally 28 pins are available, for pin names please find at this link https://www.arduino.cc/en/Hacking/PinMapping168
Raspberry Pi 3 B+. for its features please refer this link http://socialcompare.com/en/review/raspberry-pi-3-b-plus.
Ans: IOT is nothing but Internet Of Things .It huge interconnected network between the objects to detect the different scenarios. It can be possible in local servers and global servers with respect to the IP/TCP Protocols
Ans: More applications are there in IOT technology few are i.e. Health Care domain , Auto Mobile ,Embedded, Agriculture ,Industrial etc.
Ans: IOT Majorly divided into two types they are
Internet Of Things: It will create the business in regular use like gadgets
Industrial Internet Of Things: It will create the business in industrial like Agriculture
Ans: The Impact of IOT Regular life Smart Phones, Clever Grid , Road ways, sewage, Water Transport and health care.
Ans: As name suggest internet network plays an important in IOT implementation to connect the millions of the objects to each other
Ans: Yes, Because of as per telecommunication era is becoming extra broadband, giant and efficient internet broadly available, The hardware cost become less expensive.
Ans:Hardware: This will makes the normal devices as intelligent and smart devices, read the data in time
Software: Process the collected and store data from the device and it manipulate as the requirement
Infrastructure: Here it more essential communication infrastructure which are Technology and protocols to exchange the data.
Ans: More hardware prototype devices are in implementation of IOT i.e. Arduino ,Raspberry Pi,ARM Cortex Family etc.
Ans: Each and every prototype device family having their own development IDEs I.e Arduino IDE, Keil Id, Gcc compilers etc.
Ans: Almost all well-known companies are supporting to development of IoT applications in various application such that the companies are IBM, GOOGLE, AMAZON, GE, HONEYWELL, etc.
For better training and coaching for the Internet of Things, do pursue in Besant Technologies and get the best from us. These top 50 IoT interview questions and answers will help you to clear out the interview and also helps you to some quick knowledge in IoT.