AWS: Expectations vs Reality
AWS is hitting the markets big time. Today the stability and demand of engineers in this niche is at its all-time high. However before diving in it completely it is imperative to understand what exactly it does and how beneficial it is. Putting it in simpler words it is important to understand the difference between expectations and reality. There is no denial to the fact that more and more companies are now moving towards cloud based solutions. This huge shift of pendulum has benefited AWS tremendously as no other solution comes close to what they offer. This is the reason why engineers today are enrolling in AWS Training in Chennai to better understand it. Let’s read below and figure out precisely what it can and can’t do.
Set Up
Expectation: Setting it up will not be difficult as Amazon wants more and more companies to use its solution. So they would have made it as simple as possible.
Reality: Yes Indeed, setting it up is actually quite simple. All kinds of tutorials are available online to ensure engineers are able to go about their stuff smoothly. From running the database to hosting a website there is a tutorial available for each of these services.
Expectation: Since it is an Amazon product so it will be on a higher side of the budget. Also at the minute it is enjoying a good monopoly so amazon can price it as per its liking.
Reality: Contrary to the expectations, AWS is actually very cost effective. Not only you will be able to save money by notching up your productivity but overall also the cost of its deployment and usage is not much as compared to other available marketing solutions.
Expectation: No doubt cloud based solutions are effective but you have to compromise on security. AWS security can easily be breached, so developers have to be careful while using it.
Reality: When it comes to security, they are second to none. Amazon at its own end has done quite a bit to ensure proper security to its users. No doubt developers have to be careful while deploying their solutions still services offered by Amazon in this regard is awesome, all the more reason why it is a perfect time to be in AWS Training.
Expectation: This is unpreventable, no matter how mighty the solution is users must set themselves a realistic expectation. Even Google has downtime, so amazon is no exception.
Reality: When it come downtime, AWS is even better than Google. To put it in more authoritative words, users can expect more than 99% of uptime all the time. This is how powerful this solution is, no doubt more and more companies are shifting towards this direction.
Expectation: AWS is good and in demand but this is the best it can offer so it is good to get into in now and look for options later
Reality: Though AWS enjoys a great market hold but its story doesn’t end here. In fact, every few months they are adding on to their current set of services. Working hard to their already successful system and helping their customers to grow even bigger. The best thing about these solutions is the more you use them the better they get. This is the reason why more and more people are using. These solutions are going to stay, so if you are interested join a good AWS Online Training today and make a difference.