What is Blue Prism?
What is Blue Prism?
Blue Prism is a global provider of Robotic Process Automation. It has been helping accredited operational businesses to create their own process automations in order to meet the demands of the everchanging business scene. Back in the year 2001, blue prism was developed by a team of experts so that the efficiency and effectiveness of businesses could be increased. The best thing about this framework is that users can not just undertake the management of the digital workforce of blue prism but can also own it. They can also build it.
A lot of industries make use of this technology, some of which are healthcare, utilities, insurance, finance, the public sector and consumer packaged goods. Blue prism facilitates data sharing in a hassle-free manner. It’s good news that blue prism has been able to do away with many obsolete IT initiatives in the field of business operations. For rapid business process automation, blue prism can be considered a well-rounded technology.
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Some background
It runs on a technology that is aimed at making organisations more effective and efficient. Initially, Blue Prism concentrated on white collar back office, where it felt the need of automation. It creates a digital workforce of sorts to make functioning of businesses hassle-free. Its first commercial product came to existence in 2003. In 2005, it crept into the co-operative financial services too.
With Microsoft .NET Framework as its base, Blue Prism does support automation in an amazing way. Any application can be automated with it. Besides, it supports platforms like web, Java, WPF, Windows and mainframe. What more? Its design is compatible with a multi-environment deployment model. It also provides desired governance and security by supporting regulatory contexts like SOX, HIPAA and PCI-DSS.
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Here are some of the most important benefits of using blue prism
- The first and most important benefit of using this technology for your business is that you get relief from inefficient traditional IT solutions. If time is of immense value for you and you believe in having greater efficiency at any cost, then this is the technology that you need to make use of.
- When you run a business, you know how mundane some tasks can be. These tasks really kill the doers’ creativity. And they might feel like maintaining a distance from their work. This way, your employees’ morale gets down and they begin to work with a low spirit. With this technology, your business will not run this risk. It handles mundane and repetitive tasks pretty efficiently. So, what it basically does is, it automates manually intensive tasks.
- This technology offers great optimisation efficiency.
- If agility is what you aim to achieve for different business areas, then this technology is ideal for you. Interestingly, you receive this agility with ease, without a lot of hard-work.
- Every business focuses on strategy making and implementation. It is only through efficient strategizing that your business scales the kind of heights you dream of. Thankfully, robotic process automation by blue prism complements the implementation of strategies and not contradicts it.
- Up time gets freed, because of which you get time to get to a better place. Time is an extremely important factor to take into account. Without its proper management, your business will always lag behind. You can consider blue prism a contributor of time economy for your business.
- When processes and workflows in your business are automated, customers get a better response from you. As a result, they begin to trust you. With a more efficient customer support, you can really win your customers’ hearts. Blue prism helps you achieve this.
- Robotic process automation by blue prism cuts down on the amount of money you spend on employees. As a result, you can achieve cost cutting in an efficient way. And there is not just one but many cost benefits that you receive with the adoption of blue prism.
- The best part here is that the blue prism software is not too difficult to use.
Click Here-> Blue Prism VS UiPath
Final words
So, Blue prism is a progressive and efficient framework that is gaining fast popularity among businesses. The use of blue prism doesn’t discard the need of manual workforce in your company. It just ensures that your employees are able to do a lot within a very little time. So, basically, what it does is promising and it is here to stay!