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Interview Questions

Spring Interview Questions and Answers

Spring Interview Questions and Answers

Spring Interview Questions and answers

Spring Interview Questions and answers for beginners and experts. List of frequently asked Spring Interview Questions with answers by Besant Technologies. We hope these Spring Interview Questions and answers are useful and will help you to get the best job in the networking industry. This Spring Interview Questions and answers are prepared by Spring Professionals based on MNC Companies expectation. Stay tuned we will update New Spring Interview questions with Answers Frequently. If you want to learn Practical Spring Training.

Best Spring Interview Questions and answers

Besant Technologies supports the students by providing Spring Interview Questions and answers for the job placements and job purposes. Spring is the leading important course in the present situation because more job openings and the high salary pay for this Spring and more related jobs. We provide the Spring online training also for all students around the world through the Gangboard medium. These are top Spring Interview Questions and answers, prepared by our institute experienced trainers.

Spring Interview Questions and answers for the job placements

Here is the list of most frequently asked Spring Interview Questions and answers in technical interviews. These questions and answers are suitable for both freshers and experienced professionals at any level. The questions are for intermediate to somewhat advanced Spring professionals, but even if you are just a beginner or fresher you should be able to understand the answers and explanations here we give.

Q1) How to use Date Datatypes in Spring?

By Using CustomDateEditor class in Spring API, we can inject Date value.

Q2) Can we load multiple spring bean configuration file and how?

Yes, we can load multiple configuration file in spring by using the <import> tag in applicationContext.xml.

Q3) Can we inject value in static variables in Spring and how?

Directly we can not inject value in static variables in spring but by creating non-static setter we can inject the value.

Q4) Why Singleton bean is not thread safe in Spring Framework?

Because Spring is only responsible for creating a single object per bean and maintaining the life cycle of that object.

Q5) How can we pass dynamic value runtime in the property using spring?

Using Spring Expression language, we can wire value with the property at runtime.

Q6) How can spring validate at deployment time that the other bean exists or not?

Spring has a tag ‘idref’ using the tag it can validate the existence of other bean at deployment time.

Q7) How Spring helps to connect API with cloud service?

Using Coordination Layer spring can connect API with cloud.

Q8) How can we inject null or empty values of string in spring?

Empty string as a value can be passed by using “ ” as a value in the property and special </null> element can be used to pass null value in the property in spring.

Q9) How bean gets Destroy in Spring?

By Implementing the DisposableBean interface, it will call Destroy method internally for destruction of Bean from the Container.

Q10) What are the new features available in Spring?

5.0 Spring5.0 support for Reactive Programming and kotlin.

Q11) List out main difference between JDBC and Spring JDBC.

Exception handling needs to be done manually in JDBC but in Spring JDBC,
Exception handling is not manually done.

Q12) What is the Difference between Spring AOP and AspectJ AOP?

Spring AOP:
• It Support inly method level point cut.
• It is DTD Based
• Runtime Weaving is done through proxy
AspectJ AOP:
• It Supports field level pointcut
• It Is schema based.
• Only Compile Time Weaving is Done.

Q13) what are the implementation classes of Applicationcontext?

FileSystemXmlApplicationContext, ClassPathXmlApplicationContext and WebXmlApplicationContext.

Q14) In Which case AutoWiring may not work?

Following are the cases in which AutoWiring may not work:
We cannot Autowire primitive datatypes directly. Using Wrapper class of the Primitive datatypes we can Autowire them.
There are possibilities of overriding if we define dependency using setter or constructor arg.
It is Confusing in nature.

Q15) Can we define more than one DispatcherServlet in Spring MVC.?

Yes, we can define more than one DispatcherServlet.

Q16) What is spring?

It is a lightweight, approximately coupled and coordinated system for creating endeavor applications in java.

Q17) What are the benefits of spring system?
  • Predefined Templates
  • Loose Coupling
  • Easy to test
  • Lightweight
  • Fast Development
  • Powerful Abstraction
  • Declarative help
Q18) What are the modules of spring structure?
  • Test
  • Spring Core Container
  • AOP, Aspects and Instrumentation
  • Data Access/Integration
  • Web
Q19) What is IOC and DI?

IOC (Inversion of Control) and DI (Dependency Injection) is a structure example to give free coupling. It expels the reliance from the program.

We should compose a code without following IOC and DI.

public class Employee{

Address location;

address=new Address();//making example
Presently, there is reliance among Employee and Address since Employee is compelled to utilize a similar location occasion.
We should compose the IOC or DI code.
public class Employee{
Address location;
Employee(Address address){
this.address=address;//not making case

Presently, there is no reliance among Employee and Address since Employee isn’t compelled to utilize a similar location case. It can utilize any location occasion.

Q20) What is the job of IOC holder in spring?

IOC holder is mindful to:

create the case

configure the case, and

assemble the conditions

Q21) What are the kinds of IOC compartment in spring?

There are two kinds of IOC compartments in spring structure.

  • BeanFactory
  • ApplicationContext
Q22) What is the distinction among BeanFactory and ApplicationContext?

BeanFactory is the fundamental compartment though ApplicationContext is the propelled holder. ApplicationContext expands the BeanFactory interface. ApplicationContext gives a greater number of offices than BeanFactory, for example, coordination with spring AOP, message asset taking care of for i18n and so on.

Q23) What is autowiring in spring? What are the autowiring modes?

Autowiring empowers the software engineer to infuse the bean consequently. We don’t have to compose express infusion rationale.

We should see the code to infuse bean utilizing reliance infusion.

<bean id=”emp” class=”com.javatpoint.Employee” autowire=”byName”/>

Q24) In which situation, you will utilize singleton and model degree?

Singleton degree ought to be utilized with EJB stateless session bean and model extension with EJB stateful session bean.

Q25) What are the exchange the board underpins given by spring?
  • Spring structure gives two kind of exchange the executives underpins:
  • Programmatic Transaction Management: ought to be utilized for few exchange activities.
  • Declarative Transaction Management: ought to be utilized for some exchange activities.
Q26) What are the benefits of JdbcTemplate in spring?

Less code: By utilizing the JdbcTemplate class, you don’t have to make connection,statement,start transaction,commit exchange and close association with execute distinctive questions. You can execute the question straightforwardly.

Q27) What are classes for spring JDBC API?
  • JdbcTemplate
  • SimpleJdbcTemplate
  • NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
  • SimpleJdbcInsert
  • SimpleJdbcCall
Q28) How would you be able to get records by spring JdbcTemplate?

You can get records from the database by the question strategy for JdbcTemplate. There are two interfaces to do this:

  • Result Set Extractor
  • Row Mapper
Q29) What is the benefits of Name Parameter Jbdc Template?

NamedParameterJdbc Template class is utilized to pass an incentive to the named parameter. A named parameter is superior to ? (question mark of Prepared Statement).

Q30) What is the benefit of SimpleJdbcTemplate?

The SimpleJdbcTemplate underpins the component of var-args and autoboxing.

Q31) What is AOP?

AOP is an abbreviation for Aspect Oriented Programming. It is an approach that separates the program rationale into pieces or parts or concerns.

It expands the seclusion and the key unit is Aspect.

Q32) What are the upsides of spring AOP?

AOP empowers you to progressively include or expel worry previously or after the business rationale. It is pluggable and simple to keep up.

Q33) What are the AOP phrasing?

AOP phrasings or ideas are as per the following:

  • Advice
  • Pointcut
  • Aspect
  • Introduction
  • Target Object
  • Interceptor
  • AOP Proxy
  • Weaving
  • JoinPoint
Q34) What is JoinPoint?

JoinPoint is any point in your program, for example, field get to, strategy execution, special case dealing with and so forth.

Q35) Does spring structure bolster all JoinPoints?

No, spring system bolsters strategy execution joinpoint as it were.

Q36) What is Advice?

Exhortation speaks to move made by viewpoint.

Q37) What are the kinds of exhortation in AOP?

There are 5 kinds of advices in spring AOP.

  • Before Advice
  • After Advice
  • After Returning Advice
  • Throws Advice
  • Around Advice
Q38) What is Pointcut?

Pointcut is articulation dialect of Spring AOP.

Q39) What is Aspect?

Angle is a class in spring AOP that contains advices and joinpoints.

Q40) What is Introduction?

Presentation speaks to presentation of new fields and strategies for a sort.

Q41) What is target protest?

Target Object is an intermediary question that is exhorted by at least one perspectives.

Q42) What is interceptor?

Interceptor is a class like viewpoint that contains one counsel as it were.

Q43) What is weaving?

Weaving is a procedure of connecting viewpoint with other application.

Q44) Does spring perform weaving at assemble time?

No, spring system performs weaving at runtime.

Q45) What are the AOP usage?

There are 3 AOP usage.

  • Spring AOP
  • Apache AspectJ
  • JBoss AOP
Q46) What does @Controller explanation?

The @Controller explanation denotes the class as controller class. It is connected on the class.

Q47) What does @RequestMapping explanation?

The @RequestMapping explanation maps the demand with the strategy. It is connected on the strategy.

Q48) What does the ViewResolver class?

The View Resolver class settle the view part to be summoned for the demand. It characterizes prefix and postfix properties to determine the view segment.

Q49) Which ViewResolver class is broadly utilized?

The org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver class is broadly utilized.

Q50) Does spring MVC give approval bolster?


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