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Interview Questions

ASP .NET MVC  Interview Questions and Answers

ASP .NET MVC Interview Questions and Answers

ASP .NET MVC Questions and Answers

ASP .NET MVC  Interview Questions and answers for beginners and experts. List of frequently asked ASP .NET MVC Interview Questions with answers by Besant Technologies. We hope these ASP .NET MVC Interview Questions and answers are useful and will help you to get the best job in the networking industry. This ASP .NET MVC Interview Questions and answers are prepared by ASP .NET MVC Professionals based on MNC Companies expectation. Stay tuned we will update New ASP .NET MVC Interview questions with Answers Frequently.

Best ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions and Answers

Besant Technologies supports the students by providing ASP .NET MVC Interview Questions and answers for the job placements and job purposes. ASP .NET MVC is the leading important course in the present situation because more job openings and the high salary pay for this ASP .NET MVC and more related jobs. We provide the ASP .NET MVC  online training also for all students around the world through the Gangboard medium. These are top ASP .NET MVC Interview Questions and answers, prepared by our institute experienced trainers.

ASP.NET MVC  Interview Questions and Answers for the job placements

Here is the list of most frequently asked ASP .NET MVC Interview Questions and answers in technical interviews. These questions and answers are suitable for both freshers and experienced professionals at any level. The questions are for intermediate to somewhat advanced ASP .NET MVC professionals, but even if you are just a beginner or fresher you should be able to understand the answers and explanations here we give.

Q1) Explain breifly about MVC

MVC is a software architecture used to implement user interface. The MVC framework is defined in System.Web.Mvc. It separates the application logic into three separate parts,

Model : It defines data structure

Controller : It contains control logic.

View : User interface which defines how the application data should be displayed.

Q2) List out the difference between each version of MVC.

Let’s understand the differences between each of the versions in breif.

MVC 2 : It has asynchronous controllers and templated helpers which performs client side validation.

MVC 3 : Razor language is introduced and HTML5 enabled templates.

MVC 4 : It supports ASP.Net Web API.

MVC 5 : It supports attribute based routing and authentication filters.

MVC 6 : It supports deployment of runtime and framework with application so no need to compile every time. Dependency injection is enabled and you can esaily manage using Nuget packages.

Q3) Explain in breif about filters.

Filters are performs before and after action behaviors on controller’s action methods.

Q4) What is Partial View in MVC?

It is a reusable view which can embedded into another view. You can reuse leftmenu,header and footer controls for every pages.

Q5) What is Areas in MVC?

Areas are used to divide or “isolate” the modules of large applications in multiple or separated MVC.

Q6) MVC Scaffolding?

It is a code generation framework.You can easily add scaffolding to your project to quickly interacts with data models.

Q7) What is ActionResult, ViewResult and PartialViewResult?
  • ActionResult is an abstract class that contain the below subclass.
  • ViewResult – Renders a specifed view to the kickback stream
  • PartialViewResult – Renders a specifed partial view to the kickback stream
Q8) Route Constraints in MVC?

It is used to add a specific contraint to the URL and defined in RouteConfig.cs file.

Q9) What is mean by Keep and Peek in “TempData”?

TempData is the current request sent by the user. To read this, we need to Keep method,

It is defined below,




Peek function helps to read and maintain “TempData” for the subsequent request.It is defined below,

string peek = TempData.Peek(“Data “).ToString();

Q10) What is Minification in MVC?

It is used to squeeze and remove whitespace and performs compression technique to make the downloaded files as small as possible.

Q11) What is remote validation in MVC?

It is the process of validate specific data posting data to a server without posting the entire form data to the server

Q12) Unobtrusive JavaScript?

Unobtrusive JavaScript is a general access to the purpose of JavaScript in web pages. It is based on below concepts,
It separates the functionality from a Web page structure/content
Progressive enhancement to support user agents which is not supported in advanced JavaScript functionality

Q13) JsonResultType in MVC?

It is used in AJAX appllication. The JSON result object that serializes the spiced object to JSON format. It is defined below,

public JsonResult JsonResultTest()


return Json(“Hello World!”);

Q14) What is WebAPI?

It is used to build HTTP services for clients, including browsers and mobile devices.

ASP.NET Web API acts as a principle platform for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework.

Q15) List out the helper methods in WebSecurity class.

Web security class provides Login,ResetPassword and CreateAccount features for developing web applications.

Q16) What is JSON binding?

MVC uses JsonValueProviderFactory to allow action methods to accept data from model and bind the data in Json format.

Q17) Explain about RedirectResult in MVC?

It is defined in the System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult namespace. It is used to redirect the application actions to specific resource.

Q18) What is the NonAction method in MVC?

NonAction method is an attribute. By default all the methods in MVC framework as public. If you want to change the method as private, you can assign as NonAction method.

Q19) What is bundling?

It is used to combine multiple files into single file.

Q20) What is output caching in MVC?

It is used to reduce hosting and the database connection defined in the server roud trips.

Q21) How MVC differ from Web Forms?

The following ways Web Forms differs from MVC,
Web Forms are tightly connected with logic but MVC separates logic part.
Web Forms are file based routing but MVC is URL based routing.
Web Forms uses master page concept but MVC supports layout approach.
Web Forms supports its own syntax but MVC supports Razor syntax.

Q22) How to handle errors in MVC?

MVC uses HandleError method to handle exception filters. We use this approach in action method in Controller class to handle errors.

Q23) What is the use ViewStart?

It is used to apply views to all pages automatically.

Q24) What is the use of DataAnnotation?

It is an attribute. It is used to apply validation to both client and server side.

Q25) What is the use of StringLength validation property?

It is used to set the maximum and minimum string length for the property. It is defined below,

[StringLength(20, MinimumLength = 7, ErrorMessage = “Minimum size is 7 and maximum char is 20”)]
Q26) What is mean by Server side validation?

We can send message that validate input from server side and return validation message from server side.

Q27) What is ActionLink?

It is used to render an anchor tag to redirect another page.

Q28) What is mean by Cross Site Scripting?

It is a kind of malicious attack from user tries to access entries via input fields.

Q29) What is the use of Localization?

It is the process of customize your applications for the current features.

Q30) What is the use of Resource.resx file.

It is a resource file generator which is used to convert .resx file to .resources file.

Q31) What is the use of System.Web.Mvc.Async namespace?

It provides information about an asynchronous action method for name,Controller and its parameters.

Q32) What is the use Sections in MVC?

It is the part of HTML which is used to render in layout page. It is defined below,



Demo is the child page which can be implemented as,

@section Demo{


Q33) What is the use of Code Blocks in Views?

Code Blocks are starts with @ char and enclosed by {} braces. The default language in code block as C# which is used to change to HTML.

Q34) What is the use of Cookies?

It is used to store user specific information. This information can be read from the user whenever visits the web site.

Q35) What is the use of NuGet?

It is used to find and install all the packages to add the application.

Q36) What is the use of Content Results?

It is used to represent the user defined contents in the action method.

Q37) How to maintain Session in MVC?

We can maintain Session in the following ways,


Q38) What is the use of PartialView?

It is not defined in Layout page and designed specifically to render view.

Q39) When EmptyResult is used in MVC?

It is like a Void method and Whenever you don’t want to return to Client side, you can use this method.

Q40) What is the use of regular expressions in MVC?

It is the DataAnnotation attribute which is used to validate the expressions for upper cases, lower cases or digits format.

Q41) What is Unit test in MVC?

It is used to test the smallest piece of testable components for the application.

Q42) What is the use of Web API filters?

It is used for logging, authentication,exception handling and performance purposes.

Q43) What is HttpClient?

It is used to send and receive data from IIS server.

Q44) What are the Media-Type Formatters in MVC?

It is based on the following categories,


Q45) What is Ajax libraries?

It is used to create web applications and provide dynamic link between the client and server.

Q46) What is the separation of Concerns in ASP.NET MVC?

It is start of breaking the program into various distinct features which overlaps in functionality as little as possible. MVC pattern involvement on separating the content from presentation and data-processing from the content.

Q47) Explain about TempData in MVC?

TempData is a key, value pair as ViewData. This is descript from the “TempDataDictionary” class. TempData is used when the data is to be used in two consecutive requests, this could be between the actions or the controllers. This requires typecasting in view.

Q48) What is the ViewStart Page in MVC?

ViewStart page is used to make sure the common layout page will be used for multiple views. The code written in this file will be accomplished first when the application is being loaded.

Q49) What are the perversions to be added to Visual Studio Express?

Visual Studio Express edition can be added only in Professional and Ultimate versions of Visual Studio.

Q50) What are the ways for adding constraints to a route?

There are two methods for adding constraints to the route is Using regular expressions and object that implements IRoute Constraint interface.

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