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Java Training in Tambaram at Besant Technologies uses hands-on, project-based learning strategies to push you to gain the necessary Java skills. The course curriculum designed by expert Java trainers will cover all the basic to advanced level concepts of core java that include OOPs, interfaces, Java Array, Polymorphism, JDBC, Packages, collection classes and garbage collection, Multithreading, etc. that help the students become competent during job interviews. The Java course in Tambaram by Besant Technologies is flexible for both beginners and professionals. We will give a Java training course completion certificate towards the end. Additionally, we also provide placement assistance.

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Java Training in Tambaram - Overview

Java certification training in Tambaram at Besant Technologies is adaptable for both beginners and experts. We have a skilled group of Java trainers who will lead the instruction using hands-on techniques. The Java online course in Tambaram will give course participants the knowledge they need to land a job with ease from any part of the world.
The Java Training Course in Tambaram includes the following topics:

  • Core Java 7 Training – Provides training for candidates seeking certification as a Java Associate or Java Programmer.
  • Advanced Java Training – prepares individuals to sit for the Sun Certified Web Component Developer exam (SCWCD).
  • J2EE Training – This section of Java training in Tambaram includes several Oracle-certified Java EE certifications.
  • Servlet Training – Silverlight and Dot Net training with practical applications
  • JSP and JSF Training – Simple to advanced JSP and JSF theories with practicals
  • EJB Training – EJB3 framework in simple steps and its application in real-life projects
  • Struts, Hibernate, and Spring Framework – Struts2, Object-related mapping, Spring DAO, and Spring JSF integration training.

Prerequisites for Java Course in Tambaram

There are no prerequisites for the course. Individuals with a 12th-grade diploma, postgraduate studies, or working professionals can join the Java certification course in Tambaram. Furthermore, anyone interested in learning Java programming language is welcome to enroll in the training course at Besant Technologies. Individuals with basic computer knowledge and c programming skills can also participate in the training.

Skills You Will Gain from Java Programming

There are various career opportunities after taking the Java course in Tambaram. You can become a Java Developer, Java Architecture, Java Web Developer, Java Application Developer, etc. Following skills you will gain after completing the training

  • Complete understanding of the Java language and all of its elements
  • Creating, compiling, and running a Java program
  • Practical experience working with various data formats
  • Get knowledge of polymorphism and its varieties
  • Java fundamentals with live projects
  • Get knowledge of OOPs, interface, design patterns, algorithms, data structures, etc.
  • Understanding of Exception Handling, Multithreading, Input and Output Streams, Serialization, and Collection Framework
  • Complete understanding of advanced Java, including JDBC, JSP, Servlet, Multi-Threading, JavaMail API, Junior, and Maven
Enroll in Besant Technologies, rated as the best Java Training Institute in Tambaram, providing 100% placement assistance.

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Upcoming Batch Schedule for Java Training Course in Chennai

Besant Technologies provides flexible timings to all our students. Here is the Best Job Oriented  Java Training in Chennai Schedule in our branches. If this schedule doesn’t match please let us know. We will try to arrange appropriate timings based on your flexible timings.

  • 29-07-2024 Mon (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
  • 01-08-2024 Thu (Mon - Fri)Weekdays Batch 08:00 AM (IST)(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
  • 03-08-2024 Sat (Sat - Sun)Weekend Batch 11:00 AM (IST) (Class 3Hrs) / Per Session Get Fees
Java Training in Tambaram

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Syllabus of Java Training in Chennai

Core Java Syllabus (Total Duration-35hrs)

Module 1: Introduction (Duration-0.5hr)

  • Java Why? What? How? When? Where?
  • Different Java Versions.
  • How Java is different from other Technologies

Module 2: Introduction To Java Programming Environment (Duration-1hr)

  • How to Install & set Path.
  • A Simple Java Program
  • Compiling & executing Java Program
  • Phases of Java Program
  • Analysis of a Java Program
  • Understanding Syntax and Semantic Error,
  • Runtime Exception
  • Name of a Java Source File
  • Platform Independency
  • Java Technology (JDK, JRE, JVM, JIT)
  • Features of Java
  • Text Editors
  • Consoles

Module 3: Fundamentals of Java Programming (Duration-1hr)

  • Naming convention of Java language
  • Comments
  • Statements
  • Blocks (Static, Non-static/instance)
  • Identifiers
  • Keywords
  • Literals
  • Primitive Data Types, Range
  • Reference (User defined) Data type
  • Variables (Primitive, Reference)
  • Type Casting, Default Value
  • Operators
  • Program/Interview questions

Module 4: Control Structures (Duration-1hr)

  • Working with Control Structures
  • Types of Control Structures
  • Decision Control Structure (if, if-else, if else if, switch –case)
  • Repetition Control Structure (do –while,while, for)
  • Program/Interview questions

Module 5: Input Fundamentals And Datatypes In Java (Duration-2hrs)

  • Java program inputs from Keyboard
  • Methods of Keyboard inputs
  • Scanner, Buffered Reader
  • Problem Solving
  • Java Array
  • What is Array
  • Array Declaration in java vs C and C++.
  • Instantiation of an Array
  • String vs character array.Accessing Array
  • Elements, Default Value, for-each loop, varargs
  • Length of an Array (What is –Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception)
  • Increasing, Decreasing the Size and Copy of an Array
  • Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • Program/Interview questions
  • Program/Interview questions Difference between C and C++ with Java
  • Application Compilation and Run
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Module 6: Object Oriented Programming (Oops Concepts In Deep) (Duration-4hrs)

  • Procedural Vs Object Oriented Program
  • Different type of Program Procedural Vs Object Oriented.
  • Top Down Vs Bottom Up Approach
  • Introduction to Object Oriented
  • Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance,
  • Polymorphism.
  • Introduction to Classes and Objects
  • Custom Class Definition
  • Instance and Static Variables
  • Different ways to create Object Instance
  • Instance Variable and it’s role in a Class
  • Constructors, types of Constructor,
  • Constructor Rule, Constructor Overloading
  • Static Variable and it’s use.
  • Methods and their behavior.
  • Constructor vs Methods
  • Constructors
  • “this” Keyword
  • Java Access Modifiers (and Specifiers)
  • Programming Interview related Question and Answer
  • Call by value, Call by reference

Module 7: Command-Line Arguments (Duration-1hr)

  • What is a Command-Line Argument?
  • Java Application with Command-Line Arguments
  • Conversion of Command-Line Arguments
  • Passing Command-Line Arguments
  • Using methods (Static , Non Static)

Module 8: Integrated Development Environment (Duration-0.5hr)

  • Using various Editors
  • Program Compilation, Execution in Editor
  • Using Eclipse IDE
  • Project Set Up
  • Source File Generation
  • Application Compilation and Run

Module 9: Inner Class (Duration-1hr)

  • First View of Inner Class
  • Outer Class Access
  • Types of Inner Class

Module 10: Inheritance (Duration-2hrs)

  • Complete concepts of Inheritance
  • Sub-Classes
  • Object Classes
  • Constructor Calling Chain
  • The use of “super” Keyword
  • The use of “private” keyword inheritance.
  •  Reference Casting

Module 11: Abstract Classes and Inheritance (Duration-2hrs)

  • Introduction to Abstract Methods
  • Abstract Classes and Interface
  • Interface as a Type
  • Interface v/s Abstract Class
  • Interface Definition
  • Interface Implementation
  • Multiple Interfaces’ Implementation
  • Interfaces’ Inheritance
  • How to create object of Interface

Module 12: Polymorphism (Duration-1hr)

  • Introduction to Polymorphism
  • Types of Polymorphism
  • Overloading Methods
  • Overriding Methods
  • Hiding Methods
  • Final Class and Method
  • Polymorphic Behavior in Java
  • Benefits of Polymorphism
  • “Is-A” vs “Has-A”
  • Association Vs Aggregation
  • Interview related Question and Answer.

Module 13: Package (Duration-2hrs)

  • Package and Class path and its use
  • First look into Packages
  • Benefits of Packages
  • Package Creation and Use
  • First look into Class path
  • Class path Setting
  • Class Import
  • Package Import
  • Role of public, protected, default and private w.r.t package
  • Namespace Management
  • Package vs. Header File
  • Creating and Using the Sub Package
  • Sources and Class Files Management

Module 14: Using Predefined Package & Other Classes (Duration-2hrs)

  • Java.lang Hierarchy
  • Object class and using toString(), equals(),hashCode(), clone(), finalize() etc
  • Using Runtime Class, Process Class to play music, video from Java Program
  • Primitives and Wrapper Class
  • Math Class
  • String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder Class
  • String Constant Pool
  • Various usage and methods of String,StringBuffer, StringBuilder
  • Wrapper Classes
  • System Class using gc(), exit(), etc.

Module 15: New Concepts In Package (Duration-1hr)

  • Auto boxing and Auto unboxing
  • Static import.
  • Instance of operator.
  • Enum and its use in Java
  • Working with jar

Module 16: Garbage Collection (Duration-0.5hr)

  • Garbage Collection Introduction
  • Advantages of Garbage Collection
  • Garbage Collection Procedure
  • Java API
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Module 17: Exception Handling (Duration-2hrs)

  • Introduction to Exceptions
  •  Effects of Exceptions
  • Exception Handling Mechanism
  • Try, catch, finally blocks
  • Rules of Exception Handling
  • Exception class Hierarchy, Checked &
  • Unchecked Exception
  • Throw & throws keyword
  • Custom Exception Class
  • Chained Exception.
  • Resource handling & multiple exception class
  • Interview related Question and Answer.

Module 18: Multithreading (Duration-3hrs)

  • Introduction
  • Advantages
  • Creating a Thread by inheriting from Thread class
  • Run() and start() method.
  • Constructor of Thread Class
  • Various Method of Thread Class
  • Runnable Interface Implementation
  • Thread Group
  • Thread States and Priorities
  • Synchronization method, block
  • Class & Object Level Lock
  • Deadlock & its Prevention
  • Inter thread Synchronization
  • Life Cycle of Thread
  • Deprecated methods : stop(), suspend(),resume(), etc
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Module 19: Input and Output Streams  (Duration-3hrs)

  • Java I/O Stream
  • I/O Stream – Introduction
  • Types of Streams
  • Stream Class Hierarchy
  • Using File Class
  • Copy and Paste the content of a file
  • Byte Streams vs Character Streams
  • Text File vs Binary File
  • Character Reading from Keyboard by Input Stream Reader
  • Reading a Line/String from Keyboard by Buffered Reader
  • Standard I/O Streams Using Data Streams to read/write
  • primitive data
  • PrintStream vs PrintWriter Using StreamTokenizer and RandomAccessFile
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Module 20: Serialization (Duration-0.5hr)

  • Introduction to Serialization
  • Using Object Streams to read/write object
  • Transient Keyword
  • Serialization Process
  • Deserialization Process
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Module 21: Collection Framework (Duration-3hrs)

  • Generics(Templates)
  • What is generic
  • Creating User defined Generic classes
  • The java.util package
  • Collection
  • What is Collection Framework
  • List, Set & Map interfaces
  • Using Vector, Array List, Stack,
  • Linked List, etc.
  • Using Collections class for sorting
  • Using Hashtable, Hash Map, Tree Map,
  • SortedMap, LinkedHashMap etc.
  • Iterator, Enumerator.
  • Using Queue, Deque, SortedQue, etc.
  • Using HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet etc
  • Using Random class
  • Using Properties in a Java Program
  • Using user defined class for DataStructure
  • Using Date and Formatting Date class.
  • Interview related Question and Answer

Advanced Java Syllabus (Total Duration-30hrs)

Module 1: JDBC (Duration-3hrs)

  • Introduction to JDBC
  • Databases and Drivers
  • Types of Driver
  • Loading a driver class file
  • Establishing the Connection to different
  • Database with different Driver
  • Executing SQL queries by ResultSet,Statements , PreparedStatment interface.
  • Using CallableStatement
  • Transaction Management & BatchUpdate
  • Programs/Interview related Question and Answer

Module 2: JSP (Duration-5hrs)

Basics Of Jsp
  • Life cycle of JSP
  • JSP in Eclipse and other IDE’s
  • Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
Scripting Elements
  • scriptlet tag
  • expression tag
  • declaration tag
  • Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
 Implicit Objects
  • out
  • request
  • response
  • config
  • application
  • session
  • pageContext
  • page
  • exception
  • Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
Directive Elements
  • page directive
  • include directive
  • taglib directive
  • Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
Exception Handling
Action Elements
  • jsp:forward
  • jsp:include
  • Bean class
  • jsp:useBean
  • jsp:setProperty & jsp:getProperty
  • Displaying applet in JSP
Expression Language
  • What is expression and how to use it
  • Define expression and use over the service flow
  • The way to be achieve same in JSP
Mvc In Jsp
  • MVC pattern
  • Working flow implementation of MVC
  • CRUD operation using MVC
  • Design a real time web application using MVC
  • Discussion on the tag library
  • How to implement and use
Custom Tags
  • Custom Tag : What and Why?
  • Custom Tag API?
  • Custom Tag Example
  • Attributes
  • Iteration
  • Custom URI

 Module 3: Servlet (Duration-7hrs)

  • Basics of Servlet
  • Servlet: What and Why?
  • Basics of Web
  • Servlet API
  • Servlet Interface
  • GenericServlet
  • HttpServlet
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • Working with Apache Tomcat Server
  • Steps to create a servlet in Tomcat
  • How servlet works?
  • servlet in Myeclipse
  • servlet in Eclipse
  • servlet in Netbeans
Servlet request
  • Servlet Request methods
  • Registration example with DB
Servlet Collaboration
  • Request Dispatcher
  • send Redirect
Servlet Configure
  • Servlet Configure methods
  • Servlet Configure example
Servlet Context
  • Servlet Context methods
  • Servlet Context example
Session Tracking
  • Cookies
  • Hidden Form Field
  • URL Rewriting
  • HttpSession

 Module 4: Concurrent and implementation of collection (Duration-2hrs)

  • Implemenation of ArrayList
  • Implemenation of LinkedList
  • Implemenation of HashMap
  • Implementation of Queue/PriorityQueue/Deque

 Module 5: Advanced Multi-Threading (Duration-3hrs)

  • Implemenation of Executor pool service and working mechanism with real time
  • Big file(Single, multiple ) processing using multiple thread
  • Implemenation to achieve thread class and runnable interface

 Module 6: Javamail Api (Duration-2hrs)

  • Sending Email
  • Sending email through Gmail server
  • Receiving Email
  • Sending HTML content

 Module 7: Design Pattern (Duration-2hrs)

  • Singleton
  • DAO
  • DTO
  • MVC
  • Front Controller
  • Factory Method
  • Abstract
  • etc

 Module 8: Junit (Duration-1hr)

  • JUnit: What and Why?
  • Annotations used in JUnit
  • Assert class
  • Test Cases

 Module 9: Maven (Duration-1hr)

  • Maven: What and Why?
  • Ant Vs Maven
  • How to install Maven?
  • Maven Repository
  • Understanding pom.xml
  • Maven Example
  • Maven Web App Example
  • Maven using Eclipse

 Module 10: Project Guidance (Duration-4hrs)

Download Java Training Course Syllabus

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Java Trainer Profile

Our Trainers provide complete freedom to the students, to explore the subject and learn based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates are free to ask any questions at any time.

  • More than 7+ Years of Experience.
  • Trained more than 2000+ students in a year.
  • Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge.
  • Certified Professionals with High Grade.
  • Well connected with Hiring HRs in multinational companies.
  • Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications.
  • Trainers have Experienced on multiple real-time projects in their Industries.
  • Our Trainers are working in multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, Birlasoft, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Scope, Philips Technologies etc

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Java Certification

Besant Technologies Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees.

Our certification at Besant Technologies is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC’s of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.

Java Training in Tambaram

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Key Features of Java Course in Tambaram, Chennai

30+ Hours Course Duration

100% Job Oriented Training

Industry Expert Faculties

Free Demo Class Available

Completed 800+ Batches

Certification Guidance

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Training Courses Reviews

I would like to highlight a few points about my association with Besant Technologies. The faculty members out here are super supportive. They make you understand a concept till they are convinced you have gotten a good grip over it. The second upside is definitely the amount of friendliness in their approach. I and my fellow mates always felt welcome whenever we had doubts. Thirdly, Besant offers extra support to students with a weaker understanding of the field of IT.


Siva Kumar

When I joined Besant Technologies, I didn’t really expect a lot from it, to be extremely honest. But as time went by, I realised I got from Besant Technologies exactly what I wanted- a healthy environment for learning. Cordial teachers and their valuable lectures make understanding things so much easy. I thank Besant for having been so supportive throughout the course.



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Call now: +91-8099 770 770 and know the exciting offers available for you!

Besant Technologies offers 250+ IT training courses in more than 20+ branches all over India with 10+ years of Experienced Expert level Trainers.

  • Fully hands-on training
  • 30+ hours course duration
  • Industry expert faculties
  • Completed 1500+ batches
  • 100% job oriented training
  • Certification guidance
  • Own course materials
  • Resume editing
  • Interview preparation
  • Affordable fees structure

Besant Technologies is the Legend in offering placement to the students. Please visit our Placed Students List on our website.

  • More than 2000+ students placed in last year.
  • We have a dedicated placement portal which caters to the needs of the students during placements.
  • Besant Technologies conducts development sessions including mock interviews, presentation skills to prepare students to face a challenging interview situation with ease.
  • 92% percent placement record
  • 1000+ interviews organized

  • Our trainers are more than 10+ years of experience in course relavent technologies.
  • Trainers are expert level and fully up-to-date in the subjects they teach because they continue to spend time working on real-world industry applications.
  • Trainers have experienced on multiple real-time projects in their industries.
  • Are working professionals working in multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, Birlasoft, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Scope, Philips Technologies, etc…
  • Trained more than 2000+ students in a year.
  • Strong theoretical & practical knowledge.
  • Are certified professionals with high grade.
  • Are well connected with hiring HRs in multinational companies.

No worries. Besant technologies assure that no one misses single lectures topics. We will reschedule the classes as per your convenience within the stipulated course duration with all such possibilities. If required you can even attend that topic with any other batches.

Besant Technologies provides many suitable modes of training to the students like

  • Classroom training
  • One to One training
  • Fast track training
  • Live Instructor LED Online training
  • Customized training

You will receive Besant Technologies globally recognized course completion certification.

Yes, Besant Technologies provides group discounts for its training programs. To get more details, visit our website and contact our support team via Call, Email, Live Chat option or drop a Quick Enquiry. Depending on the group size, we offer discounts as per the terms and conditions.

We accept all major kinds of payment options. Cash, Card (Master, Visa, and Maestro, etc), Net Banking and etc.

Please Contact our course advisor+91-8099 770 770. Or you can share your queries through info@besanttechnologies.com

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Besant Technologies Java Training in Tambaram View 9 Locations Nearby


No.8, 11th Main road, Vijaya nagar,
Velachery, Chennai – 600 042
Tamil Nadu, India.

Landmark: Reliance Digital Showroom Opposite Street
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1st Floor, No.2A Duraisami Reddy Street,
West Tambaram, Chennai – 600 045
Tamil Nadu,India.

Landmark:Near By Passport Seva
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No. 5/318, 2nd Floor, Sri Sowdeswari Nagar,
OMR, Okkiyam Thoraipakkam, Chennai – 600 097
Tamil Nadu, India.

Landmark:Behind Okkiyampet Bus Stop
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First Floor, 105C,
Mount Poonamallee Rd,
Sakthi Nagar, Porur,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 116

Landmark: Near Saravana Stores
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Anna Nagar

1st Floor, No 54, 1633, 13th Main Rd,
Bharathi Colony, H Block, Tirumaniamman Nagar,
Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600 040
Tamil Nadu, India

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48/4 ,2nd Floor, N Usman Rd,
Parthasarathi Puram, T. Nagar,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600017

Landmark:Opposite to Pantloons Showroom
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22/67, 1st Floor, North Mada street,
Near Valmiki Street, Thiruvanmiyur,
Chennai 600 041 Tamil Nadu, India

Landmark: Above Thiruvanmiyur ICICI Bank
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Maraimalai Nagar

No.37, 1st Floor, Thiruvalluvar Salai,
Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai 603 209,
Tamil Nadu, India

Landmark: Near to Maraimalai Nagar Arch
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No. 4/76, Ambedkar Street, OMR Road,
Egatoor, Navallur, Siruseri, Chennai 600 130
Tamil Nadu, India

Landmark:Near Navallur Toll Gate
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